Office 970-454-3411
Good Morning “On the Winning Team.”  Today we are in Numbers 24

As I said, Balaam was what you could call a “for profit prophet.”  He wanted to be close to God as long as it netted him worldly blessing.  He was two faced, a sell out, not what he perhaps appeared on the surface.  2 Peter 2:15, tells us Balaam loved “gain from wrongdoing,” and Revelation 2:14 tells us Balaam taught Balak to put a stumbling block in front of the Israelites

However; God knows all, sees all, and as we have discussed in the past, is able to work in, around, and through our sin!  We see it through Abraham, Jacob, Pharaoh, Judas… I could go on and on.  

”Then Balak’s anger burned against Balaam. He struck his hands together and said to him, “I summoned you to curse my enemies, but you have blessed them these three times.“
‭‭Numbers‬ ‭24‬:‭10‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Despite Balaam’s crooked heart, and his best efforts to do what Balak asked for his own personal gain - he cannot!  He goes on to explain that he can speak only what the Lord gives him.  All the gold and silver in the kingdom can’t change that.  

Look, bottom line… we have an enemy, the devil who prowls around like roaring lion looking for someone to devour.  He aims to destroy Gods plans, but is powerless to do so.  Prophecy is unfolding and being fulfilled right in front of our eyes.  We know the end of the story!  We know who wins!  Gods plans CANNOT, and WILL NOT be thwarted.  Whose side do you want to be on?  

God loves you so much that He lets you choose.  Choose wisely.  Wondering how?  Reach out!  I’d be glad to help.

Love you all!  Dig in!