Good Morning “Doers of The Word.” Today we find ourselves in Numbers 10.
The nation of Israel has received a LOT of instruction from the Lord through Moses. 1 Year 1 Month, and 12 days it seems they were in the Desert of Sinai. They were receiving instruction, building the Tabernacle, receiving more instruction, and living. After a year, they were likely settled in a bit. Now it was time to pick up and leave. They would have to take all they had learned and live it!
I’m struck with the reality that the world has grown darker. Lawlessness and immorality are on full display. We as we The Church of Jesus Christ are to be the “Salt of the earth” (the preservative), the “Light of the world” (Matthew 5:13-16). If righteousness has not been preserved and the world has grown more dark… who is to blame?
From small country church’s with handfuls of people to mega church’s with tens of thousands - people gather to hear The Word of God taught and to worship our God. It’s true, part of the problem is that The Word of God is NOT being taught, but even when it is, I wonder if it’s being lived? A quick look around and survey of the world’s statistics regarding Christians will tell you it’s NOT.
I’m reminded of Joshua 1:8 “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful”. Joshua 1:8 NIV
The promise of success here does not mean rich and famous. We will be successful in what God designed us to be. Being Salt and Light is a part of that. Worship is intended to be an every day thing - with our whole lives not just our voices with raised hands.
James reminds us in James 1:22 “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” Check out the rest of James 1, specifically 18-27 regarding this topic. It’s time, it’s been time, for us to take the whole council of God seriously and not just listen to it being taught, but apply it and live it!
Love you all! Be doers of The Word!
The nation of Israel has received a LOT of instruction from the Lord through Moses. 1 Year 1 Month, and 12 days it seems they were in the Desert of Sinai. They were receiving instruction, building the Tabernacle, receiving more instruction, and living. After a year, they were likely settled in a bit. Now it was time to pick up and leave. They would have to take all they had learned and live it!
I’m struck with the reality that the world has grown darker. Lawlessness and immorality are on full display. We as we The Church of Jesus Christ are to be the “Salt of the earth” (the preservative), the “Light of the world” (Matthew 5:13-16). If righteousness has not been preserved and the world has grown more dark… who is to blame?
From small country church’s with handfuls of people to mega church’s with tens of thousands - people gather to hear The Word of God taught and to worship our God. It’s true, part of the problem is that The Word of God is NOT being taught, but even when it is, I wonder if it’s being lived? A quick look around and survey of the world’s statistics regarding Christians will tell you it’s NOT.
I’m reminded of Joshua 1:8 “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful”. Joshua 1:8 NIV
The promise of success here does not mean rich and famous. We will be successful in what God designed us to be. Being Salt and Light is a part of that. Worship is intended to be an every day thing - with our whole lives not just our voices with raised hands.
James reminds us in James 1:22 “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” Check out the rest of James 1, specifically 18-27 regarding this topic. It’s time, it’s been time, for us to take the whole council of God seriously and not just listen to it being taught, but apply it and live it!
Love you all! Be doers of The Word!