Matthew 27
Good Morning Jesus “Wanters”, today we look at Matthew 27 - The greatest act of Love the world has ever known. Jesus, going to the cross, obediently choosing it - “But for the joy set before Him He endured the cross, scorning it’s shame…”
How much pressure are you under to go with the flow? The anti God / non Biblical movement is real! Never confuse the will of the majority with the will of God!
Here we see Jesus’ mock trial and crucifixion. Pilates wife believed He was innocent, Pilate indicated he believed Jesus was innocent, yet the pressure continued. It was customary to release a prisoner at the Passover so Pilate brings Barabbas out assuming the crowd would choose to release Jesus instead of the notorious murderer. Who should we release? Barabbas the crowd shouted. Jesus claimed to be God and they didn’t like it. They even suggested one of His crimes was not paying taxes. Ultimately the religious leaders got what they wanted.
Get this - Pilate who had the power, believed Jesus was innocent. John records that even among the leaders there were those who believed. Likely there were those in the crowd that believed He was God and knew He was innocent - yet seemingly no one spoke. Would you have spoken up? Ultimately prophecy would be fulfilled. Because of our sin we need a Savior and Jesus was it!
We are Barabbas. Innocent Jesus, fully man and fully God, has to take our place if we are to live. His life on the cross for ours - He became sin for us and took our punishment upon Himself. Why does a Good God send people to hell? Send? We’re already on our way. When we choose sin, it’s our default destination. On the contrary, He loves us enough that He gave us Jesus. Salvation through the blood of Jesus is a free gift, but meaningless to you unless you believe it and receive it! John 3:16, Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8, Roman’s 10:9, Romans 8:1.
The Truth of God is written on your heart. Romans 2. What does that mean… it means deep down, apart from the corruption around us - we already know!
Dig in and believe for yourself!
Love you all!
How much pressure are you under to go with the flow? The anti God / non Biblical movement is real! Never confuse the will of the majority with the will of God!
Here we see Jesus’ mock trial and crucifixion. Pilates wife believed He was innocent, Pilate indicated he believed Jesus was innocent, yet the pressure continued. It was customary to release a prisoner at the Passover so Pilate brings Barabbas out assuming the crowd would choose to release Jesus instead of the notorious murderer. Who should we release? Barabbas the crowd shouted. Jesus claimed to be God and they didn’t like it. They even suggested one of His crimes was not paying taxes. Ultimately the religious leaders got what they wanted.
Get this - Pilate who had the power, believed Jesus was innocent. John records that even among the leaders there were those who believed. Likely there were those in the crowd that believed He was God and knew He was innocent - yet seemingly no one spoke. Would you have spoken up? Ultimately prophecy would be fulfilled. Because of our sin we need a Savior and Jesus was it!
We are Barabbas. Innocent Jesus, fully man and fully God, has to take our place if we are to live. His life on the cross for ours - He became sin for us and took our punishment upon Himself. Why does a Good God send people to hell? Send? We’re already on our way. When we choose sin, it’s our default destination. On the contrary, He loves us enough that He gave us Jesus. Salvation through the blood of Jesus is a free gift, but meaningless to you unless you believe it and receive it! John 3:16, Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8, Roman’s 10:9, Romans 8:1.
The Truth of God is written on your heart. Romans 2. What does that mean… it means deep down, apart from the corruption around us - we already know!
Dig in and believe for yourself!
Love you all!