Matthew 17
It’s about to get real!!!
After 6 days Jesus takes Peter, James and John up to a high mountain and there before them is transfigured! Trans whated? Transfigured! His clothes became white as the light and His face as bright as the sun! Yeah!!! That’s what I’m talking about! He gave them a little glimpse of Himself as God. They answered correctly back in vs 16, you are the Christ, the Son of the Living God - here, they get to see. What’s more Moses and Elijah come back and are talking to Jesus. What a privilege it would have been to be on that mountain. Peter is so pumped about it, he wants to set up camp and stay! I’ve heard some say, what will we do when we get to Heaven? Sit around and worship God? Sounds boring. Anyone who’s ever experienced an incredible worship service, one that you wish would never end, has experienced a little taste! It won’t be boring, and you WON’T want it to end. Good news is, it won’t! This was a taste of that! Then - they hear the voice of God The Father. “When the disciples heard this, they fell facedown to the ground, terrified. But Jesus came and touched them. “Get up,” he said. “Don’t be afraid.””
Matthew 17:6-7 NIV
Faith is a powerful thing. Able to move mountains with just a little. Don’t take my word for it! Read on!
Keep at it. You’re growing from the inside out whether you realize it or not.
I’ll have more Sidewalk Prophets ticket giveaways soon - but you’ll have to stay at it to have a chance at them.
Have a great day!
Love You All!
After 6 days Jesus takes Peter, James and John up to a high mountain and there before them is transfigured! Trans whated? Transfigured! His clothes became white as the light and His face as bright as the sun! Yeah!!! That’s what I’m talking about! He gave them a little glimpse of Himself as God. They answered correctly back in vs 16, you are the Christ, the Son of the Living God - here, they get to see. What’s more Moses and Elijah come back and are talking to Jesus. What a privilege it would have been to be on that mountain. Peter is so pumped about it, he wants to set up camp and stay! I’ve heard some say, what will we do when we get to Heaven? Sit around and worship God? Sounds boring. Anyone who’s ever experienced an incredible worship service, one that you wish would never end, has experienced a little taste! It won’t be boring, and you WON’T want it to end. Good news is, it won’t! This was a taste of that! Then - they hear the voice of God The Father. “When the disciples heard this, they fell facedown to the ground, terrified. But Jesus came and touched them. “Get up,” he said. “Don’t be afraid.””
Matthew 17:6-7 NIV
Faith is a powerful thing. Able to move mountains with just a little. Don’t take my word for it! Read on!
Keep at it. You’re growing from the inside out whether you realize it or not.
I’ll have more Sidewalk Prophets ticket giveaways soon - but you’ll have to stay at it to have a chance at them.
Have a great day!
Love You All!