Office 970-454-3411
Good Morning forgiven sinners.  Jump into Mark 3 today, and soak it up.  

Is there any limit to the Mercy and Grace of our God through the blood of Jesus?  Is there any particular sin, or amount of sin that is unforgivable?  We read about one sin here in Mark.  Check it out:

“Truly I tell you, people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin.””
‭‭Mark‬ ‭3‬:‭28‬-‭29‬ ‭NIV‬‬

So what exactly is blaspheme against the Holy Spirit?  In this context Jesus is addressing the “Teachers of the Law” that were accusing Him of performing miracles by the power of Satan.  In other words, not only denying the Holy Spirits power, but suggesting He was possessed by Satan.  Jesus clearly proved who He really was, the tomb is empty, and He is Risen.  So… committing this sin in the way the religious leaders did here - is no longer possible.  Creation clearly points to a Creator, The Truth of God is written on our hearts (Romans 1-2), the finished work of Jesus is apparent through all of Scripture and the conviction of the Holy Spirit clearly upon us.  

So what constitutes unforgivable sin today?  Is there any?  Yes - UNBELIEF - denial or resistance to the Call of Jesus to REPENT and BELIEVE the Good News!  Persistent and unremitting resistance to the Spirit’s work as He brings conviction of sin and reveals the need for repentance and faith - simply says no to forgiveness.  

Its simple - just say yes!  It’s that easy!  If you have said yes to Jesus, and received the forgiveness provided by His Blood shed on the Cross, you need not worry about unforgivable sin.  For you - it doesn’t exist. It’s a heart issue.  The issue is, He wants your heart!

Dig in and check out the rest of Mark 3.  

Love You All!