Good Morning Shining Lights! Today let’s look at Luke 8.
“No one lights a lamp and hides it in a clay jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, they put it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light.” Luke 8:16 NIV
God created you the way you are for His purposes. Not only does He give you every breath you take, and every beat of your heart, He also gives you talent, spiritual gifts - even our desire for good things comes from Him. No one seeks righteousness - He puts that in us. He even determined where you will live and who your parents would be etc. What does that all mean? It means you fit into an amazing plan with good works in mind for you to do, which He prepared in advance.
The gifts and talents He blessed you with are designed for His glory, and benefit of the Kingdom. It this passage He speaks of the light you’ve been given, through Jesus. The Holy Spirit living in you makes you look different - or at least it should. We quench the Spirits fire when we turn from the things of God and soak up the things the world offers. Gods design - let the light of Jesus shine through you, and use those gifts and talents as a platform to elevate that light you shine. They’re your lamp stand! Consider your gifts and talents and how God would have you use them to further the kingdom!
Use it or lose it is the principle that follows. Develop your gifts and talents for His glory not yours… or lose them. “Therefore consider carefully how you listen. Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what they think they have will be taken from them.””
Luke 8:18 NIV
Where and how does God want to use you? What are you naturally good at? Consider how He’s blessed you and how you might use that blessing. Be careful not to simply put a God stamp on things you really just want to do for your glory. He can’t be fooled. Make sure your heart is right! A right heart comes from a right relationship with Jesus. Here’s a hint, you’re not routinely hearing the voice of God when you have no relationship with Him. “My sheep know my voice.” John 10:27
Press in! Know Him! Love you all!
“No one lights a lamp and hides it in a clay jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, they put it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light.” Luke 8:16 NIV
God created you the way you are for His purposes. Not only does He give you every breath you take, and every beat of your heart, He also gives you talent, spiritual gifts - even our desire for good things comes from Him. No one seeks righteousness - He puts that in us. He even determined where you will live and who your parents would be etc. What does that all mean? It means you fit into an amazing plan with good works in mind for you to do, which He prepared in advance.
The gifts and talents He blessed you with are designed for His glory, and benefit of the Kingdom. It this passage He speaks of the light you’ve been given, through Jesus. The Holy Spirit living in you makes you look different - or at least it should. We quench the Spirits fire when we turn from the things of God and soak up the things the world offers. Gods design - let the light of Jesus shine through you, and use those gifts and talents as a platform to elevate that light you shine. They’re your lamp stand! Consider your gifts and talents and how God would have you use them to further the kingdom!
Use it or lose it is the principle that follows. Develop your gifts and talents for His glory not yours… or lose them. “Therefore consider carefully how you listen. Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what they think they have will be taken from them.””
Luke 8:18 NIV
Where and how does God want to use you? What are you naturally good at? Consider how He’s blessed you and how you might use that blessing. Be careful not to simply put a God stamp on things you really just want to do for your glory. He can’t be fooled. Make sure your heart is right! A right heart comes from a right relationship with Jesus. Here’s a hint, you’re not routinely hearing the voice of God when you have no relationship with Him. “My sheep know my voice.” John 10:27
Press in! Know Him! Love you all!