Office 970-454-3411
February 12, 2025

I presented a Motion at our 1/28/24 Annual Meeting.  It read, in part:
I move that we authorize a temporarily constituted “Council of Elders,” composed of those already recognized and functioning within our Congregation as Trusted “top-level” Spiritual Leaders, be charged with drawing up a draft of a proposed amended Constitution reflecting the Leadership structure set forth in the Scriptures.  (See Acts 6:1-7; Acts 15; Acts 20:17-31; I Timothy 3; Titus 1; I Peter 5:1-4;)

After a time of discussion, the motion passed without dissent.

Later, we put together a team of people with the specific skill set to do this work.  After several months of diligent efforts, they presented a draft of their work to the Elder Council.  The Elders worked through that draft over the next few weeks.  After the Elder Council finished working through the Constitutional Review Team’s draft, the two teams met together over the final few weeks of Fall, preparing a Draft that would be presented to the Congregation in December.  After a time to read and digest that draft, we held two Congregational Q&A’s.  Since then the Team has fielded numerous questions and suggestions offered in smaller and individual conversations.  In the last few days, an edited draft has been drawn up, reflecting that work, and has been printed.  (It is distinguishable from earlier drafts by the February 15, 2025 date noted at the top of the first page.)

During this time, I have had the occasion to reflect on a similar process our Nation was going through 250 years ago, just after we secured our independence from Britain.  In the mid-1780s, America had outgrown the Articles of Confederation and called for a Constitutional Convention.  It was convened in Philadelphia on May 25, 1787.  Their work was finished on September 17, 1787.  Over the next two years, the individual states wrestled with ratification of the document they had been handed.  The proposed Constitution became the framework of the American Government when, on June 21, 1788, New Hampshire became the ninth state to ratify the new Constitution.

Almost immediately an ember, which had been smoldering between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists, burst into flames.  For close to three years, the debate raged on. The fire was not quenched until James Madison’s work on what we now know as the Bill of Rights was ratified.  These first ten amendments were added to our Constitution on December 15, 1791.

For some who are new or have not really kept themselves current on the “goings on” around here, the appearance of a Proposed Amended Constitution may seem precipitous.  This idea, however, has been percolating for three decades.  It has been a conscious discussion for many years; and I have been building the biblical foundation – in my preaching/teaching/writing/staff & board discussions, for at least five or six years.

The intention has always been two-fold:  First, the protection of our present and our future by declaring that we stand solidly upon the historical ethos of the Free Church Movement, verbalized in the question: “Where Stands It Written?” and was practiced by the Bereans, as we see described in Acts 17:11. Luke writes, of their response to Paul’s teaching, that the Bereans “were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so.”  Our desire has been to conform our documents as closely as possible to God’s Word.

The second intention has been to do this prayerfully, thoughtfully, respectfully, and slowly so as not to needlessly arouse dissension.  As we near the end of that journey, it strikes me that no matter how thoughtful, careful, and thorough we have been two things will likely face our Congregation and its Leaders.  The first is disagreements that do not get expressed until the decision is made, and unexpected problems arise.  The second difficulty typically appears in the implementation process and reveals unanticipated weaknesses that we may wish to address and correct in the days ahead.

The reason for this letter is to address that possibility and to offer a way forward before we even need to take it.  We need to be humble, clear-eyed, and open with one another during this ratification process.  Though the Word of God does not change and though It does stand forever, our application of It to our situation is not foolproof or inerrant.  Let us begin with an understanding that what we present, for the Affirmation of our Body, will reveal some stress-cracks that need to be addressed.  We need to see this document as a work in progress – just like each one of us is!  Errors and omissions will likely reveal themselves over time.  We need to view this Proposed Amended Constitution as a “working document” that would be implemented over the next year; and we need clarity that another draft may need to be presented at next year’s Annual Meeting for approval.

And we need to be in agreement that we will collect the lessons learned and catalog the changes needful; and that we will commit ourselves to the work of crafting – over time! – a document that will stand the test of time and leave a legacy of commitment to knowing and doing the Word of God until our Savior returns for His Bride!

All for Jesus, Pastor Craig