Office 970-454-3411
Good Morning “Fired Up By What You See.”  Today we are in Judges 20.

Yesterday we were in Judges 19 and talked about mourning over the sin of the Bemjamite’s, as well as mourning over the sin of this world.  

Beyond mourning, what is to be our response?  Even Jesus displayed righteous anger, or “righteous indignation”.  What does that look like?  First, we are commanded not to sin in our anger (Ephesians 4:26-27).  How can we be fired up, responding in anger, but it not be sinful?

We know Jesus was perfect!  Sinless!  Yet Jesus entered the Temple and drove the “money changers” out of the courtyard with a whip He had fashioned.  He turned over tables and in short, He cleaned house.  (John 2:15-17). Some might argue He was violent and out of control.  Violent perhaps, but out of control would suggest sin… so no, He was not out of control!

Some naively argue that war its self is sin.  That violence its self is sin.  After all doesn’t Scripture condemn it?  First, the 6th commandment (Exodus 20:23) has been grossly misinterpreted, even altered in some Bible versions to say “Thou shall not kill.”  The original word “ratsach” literally means to murder or slay.  The correct interpretation is “Shall not murder.”  This is yet another chapter where we see God commanding the nation to act in response to evil!  Violently of course, as it includes what would be defined as just or righteous war and death.  

Is this to be our response in the face of such things.  If it was to come to your doorstep, perhaps.  But on a larger scale, no - not with your own hands at least.  God has established government as instruments to administer His wrath, using Scripture as their guide - on those that do wrong.  (Romans 13:1-7) Literally translated gov’t is to Bear the Sword = authority of dealing out death . . . avenger = extract justice from or in.) So… we are to respect, support, encourage, and hold accountable those who have been placed there.  This is Gods established method, for us, to exact His wrath while we are here on earth (Romans 12:19).  

So, be fired up!  But, put that fire to use!  Get involved!  Rebuke and admonish those who are in your sphere of influence who are deceived or misguided!  Remember, giving hearty approval to sin, or even encouraging someone in the midst of sin is sin itself.  Not to mention the fact that, approval of sin is not love!  Sin leads to spiritual death!  Approving or staying silent in the face of sin that brings death isn’t real love… it’s convenience.  It’s what the fellow Israelites did in the face of Benjamin’s decent to depravity.  The Benjamites didn’t get that way overnight.  We are to hold each other, our families, our church’s our government accountable - by The Word of God with gentleness and respect (2 Timothy 3:16-17, 1 Peter 3:15)

Love you all!  Dig in!