Good Morning “Worshipers of God plus Nothing.” Today we are in Judges 17.
Chronologically Judges 13-16, the story of Sampson, occurs after Judges 17-18. Perhaps you wondered as we read about Sampson what led to the downfall of the tribe of Dan. One woman from Ephraim is confused with proper worship to God. Her belief rubs off on her son.
”Now this man Micah had a shrine, and he made an ephod and some household gods and installed one of his sons as his priest. In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.“
Judges 17:5-6 NIV
Micah installs one of his sons as priest - thereby transferring his tainted worship style. Ultimately a Levite priest is brought in as well.
In chapter 18 we will read about the tribe of Dan stealing the idols and the Levite Priest from Micah’s house. Make no mistake the tribe of Dan was already spiraling, yet the worship they adopt goes all the way back to a mother from Ephraim.
How we worship our God matters. Scripture is replete with instructions for proper worship. “Well I like to worship my God by doing this…”. We don’t get to worship our God however we see fit. Both Paul and Jesus warned the disciples regarding infiltrating ideas. They both refer to them as yeast… a little bit spreads through the whole batch. ((Matthew 16:6, Galatians 6:9).
The world basically does what each one sees fit to do in his own eyes… just like Israel. How can we protect ourselves, be wise, and not get drawn in to some form of tainted worship? Simple! He gave us His Word, and told us it was enough! (2 Timothy 3:16-17, Psalm 119:105). Stay in The Word, and learn from those you know to be trustworthy! Just because they have a lot of internet followers doesn’t mean they can be trusted. “But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it”, 2 Timothy 3:14.
Love you all! Dig in!
Chronologically Judges 13-16, the story of Sampson, occurs after Judges 17-18. Perhaps you wondered as we read about Sampson what led to the downfall of the tribe of Dan. One woman from Ephraim is confused with proper worship to God. Her belief rubs off on her son.
”Now this man Micah had a shrine, and he made an ephod and some household gods and installed one of his sons as his priest. In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.“
Judges 17:5-6 NIV
Micah installs one of his sons as priest - thereby transferring his tainted worship style. Ultimately a Levite priest is brought in as well.
In chapter 18 we will read about the tribe of Dan stealing the idols and the Levite Priest from Micah’s house. Make no mistake the tribe of Dan was already spiraling, yet the worship they adopt goes all the way back to a mother from Ephraim.
How we worship our God matters. Scripture is replete with instructions for proper worship. “Well I like to worship my God by doing this…”. We don’t get to worship our God however we see fit. Both Paul and Jesus warned the disciples regarding infiltrating ideas. They both refer to them as yeast… a little bit spreads through the whole batch. ((Matthew 16:6, Galatians 6:9).
The world basically does what each one sees fit to do in his own eyes… just like Israel. How can we protect ourselves, be wise, and not get drawn in to some form of tainted worship? Simple! He gave us His Word, and told us it was enough! (2 Timothy 3:16-17, Psalm 119:105). Stay in The Word, and learn from those you know to be trustworthy! Just because they have a lot of internet followers doesn’t mean they can be trusted. “But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it”, 2 Timothy 3:14.
Love you all! Dig in!