Good Morning “Fruit Growers.” Today we are in Joshua 19.
Joshua continued to cast lots. Led of God every Israelite Tribe got a piece. They were all co-inheritors of Gods promise. They all got a piece proportionate to the size of their tribe. They were not just Gods chosen people - He chose more for His people. By Grace, He also chose to bless them abundantly. Joshua was the administrator Grace. Grace is receiving that which you did nothing to earn. Israel had been rebellious, and at times lacked faith. In Gods mercy He forgave them, and by grace He blessed them. They did not earn their blessing.
Similarly we too have been chosen (John 6:44). As a result of Israel’s hard heart we have been given an opportunity to be “grafted in” adopted into the family of God (Romans 11:11-31). In Gods mercy He doesn’t strike us dead on the spot (Romans 3:23). In His mercy and by His Grace God sent Jesus to pay for our sin. His death burial and resurrection makes our salvation possible. First, however; we must believe (John 3:16) and true belief always results in action (Romans 10:9). Then, guess what? We become co-heirs with Jesus. We too, by Grace, through Jesus get an inheritance in Heaven. Romans 8:17 says, “Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory”.
Isreal had 3 requirements in response to Gods Grace in order to experience Gods blessing to the full: 1) They had to receive it. 2) They had to drive out its former inhabitants, believing God’s promise of victory. 3) They had to continue to honor the Lord.
Make no mistake, salvation is by God’s grace alone, through faith. Salvation is NOT about us finally doing enough “good works” to get saved (Ephesians 2:8-9). Salvation is about Jesus, plus nothing. 1) we must receive it! However; salvation ought to result in a thankful heart that say “I’m yours”! I mean, Jesus saved us from our default destination - eternity apart from Him in Hell. It’s reasonable to believe we would be thankful and offer ourselves to Him (Romans 12:1-2). After all, He redeemed us. If we are thankful, we too should seek to 2) drive out our former inhabitants - sin. We should repent, and turn the other way from our sin. In that we demonstrate our faith / belief in Jesus.
You’ve likely heard me say before, “our good works do nothing to save us… but they do demonstrate we’re saved.” We 3) honor God with what we’re about and the way we live our lives.
James 2:26 tells us “Faith without works is dead.”
“A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit”. Matthew 7:18
What’s growing on your tree? Love you all! Dig in!
Joshua continued to cast lots. Led of God every Israelite Tribe got a piece. They were all co-inheritors of Gods promise. They all got a piece proportionate to the size of their tribe. They were not just Gods chosen people - He chose more for His people. By Grace, He also chose to bless them abundantly. Joshua was the administrator Grace. Grace is receiving that which you did nothing to earn. Israel had been rebellious, and at times lacked faith. In Gods mercy He forgave them, and by grace He blessed them. They did not earn their blessing.
Similarly we too have been chosen (John 6:44). As a result of Israel’s hard heart we have been given an opportunity to be “grafted in” adopted into the family of God (Romans 11:11-31). In Gods mercy He doesn’t strike us dead on the spot (Romans 3:23). In His mercy and by His Grace God sent Jesus to pay for our sin. His death burial and resurrection makes our salvation possible. First, however; we must believe (John 3:16) and true belief always results in action (Romans 10:9). Then, guess what? We become co-heirs with Jesus. We too, by Grace, through Jesus get an inheritance in Heaven. Romans 8:17 says, “Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory”.
Isreal had 3 requirements in response to Gods Grace in order to experience Gods blessing to the full: 1) They had to receive it. 2) They had to drive out its former inhabitants, believing God’s promise of victory. 3) They had to continue to honor the Lord.
Make no mistake, salvation is by God’s grace alone, through faith. Salvation is NOT about us finally doing enough “good works” to get saved (Ephesians 2:8-9). Salvation is about Jesus, plus nothing. 1) we must receive it! However; salvation ought to result in a thankful heart that say “I’m yours”! I mean, Jesus saved us from our default destination - eternity apart from Him in Hell. It’s reasonable to believe we would be thankful and offer ourselves to Him (Romans 12:1-2). After all, He redeemed us. If we are thankful, we too should seek to 2) drive out our former inhabitants - sin. We should repent, and turn the other way from our sin. In that we demonstrate our faith / belief in Jesus.
You’ve likely heard me say before, “our good works do nothing to save us… but they do demonstrate we’re saved.” We 3) honor God with what we’re about and the way we live our lives.
James 2:26 tells us “Faith without works is dead.”
“A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit”. Matthew 7:18
What’s growing on your tree? Love you all! Dig in!