Office 970-454-3411
Good Morning “Energized By Faith.”  Today we are in Joshua 14.

Today we continue with focus on Joshua and Caleb.  Caleb now 85 years old and Joshua likely a similar age.  Joshua is as “Very old” according to God in Joshua 13:1, and presumably tired!   Yet there were still many lands to conquer.  

In chapter 14 we see a pause… enough time to distribute an allotment of land to Caleb.  What land?  How could it be more appropriate than to give Caleb the chunk of land once inhabited by the “giants”, the Anakites.  This is the land that caused the 10 spies to “melt in fear”, and subsequently cause all of Israel to melt.  The consequence - 40 years wandering in the desert until all who doubted died.  Caleb and Joshua are the only ones left from the generation that came out of Egypt.  They were the only ones that said if God said He’d give us the victory - let’s go get it!  The reward for their faithfulness… the very land that turned the whole nation to fear.  Because of your faith Caleb, it’s yours!  How cool is that?  

If ever there was a demonstration of faith = blessing this is it!  Let’s be careful though… not to add to The Lords blessing our own time table.  It’s been more than 40 years now!  When Caleb and Joshua demonstrated faith they were in their 40s… they’re now in their 80s.  How long are you willing to remain faithfully waiting on The Lord?  5 years, 10, or 40 years?  What if the blessing for our faithfulness isn’t realized until we get to heaven?  What if the blessing we receive here in this life is only the confidence that we serve a God who sees all, who loves us, who promises to grow us up, use us even when we don’t see it happening, and ultimately sovereignly works in all things for the good of The Body of Believers who love Him? (Romans 8:28)

If that’s where your heart is, I can tell you - it is enough!  We see a great example, here with Joshua and Caleb.  THAT very kind of faith and hope is what sustained them.  It’s what sustains anyone who truly taps into it!  

He is ENOUGH!  Love you guys!  Dig in!