Good Morning Breaking Cultural Norms Peeps! Check out John 4
When Jesus went to the well to minister to the Samaritan woman - He broke all kinds of cultural norms.
First, Jews didn’t associate with Samaritans. Second, the only women who would go to the well in the middle of the day, were those already ostracized from their villages. They were “those” women. Everyone else who was “respectable” and accepted would go in the cool of the morning to get water for their families. Third, it went against norms for Him even to be there alone talking to a woman. Imagine what the Disciples were thinking when Jesus wanted to take a little detour.
When Jesus ministers - He does it like no one else. “When the Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?”” John 4:7 Notice He doesn’t lead by pointing out her sin. He literally humbles Himself and places Himself in a position if need.
This opens the door to more conversation. Less than 20% of communication is verbal. The rest is body language, tone, expression on your face. Somehow, Jesus is able to discuss her life of sin with her without offense. How do we know she wasn’t offended? Read the rest of her story and see what happens when she goes back to her village.
Dig in and know Him. Love you all!
When Jesus went to the well to minister to the Samaritan woman - He broke all kinds of cultural norms.
First, Jews didn’t associate with Samaritans. Second, the only women who would go to the well in the middle of the day, were those already ostracized from their villages. They were “those” women. Everyone else who was “respectable” and accepted would go in the cool of the morning to get water for their families. Third, it went against norms for Him even to be there alone talking to a woman. Imagine what the Disciples were thinking when Jesus wanted to take a little detour.
When Jesus ministers - He does it like no one else. “When the Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?”” John 4:7 Notice He doesn’t lead by pointing out her sin. He literally humbles Himself and places Himself in a position if need.
This opens the door to more conversation. Less than 20% of communication is verbal. The rest is body language, tone, expression on your face. Somehow, Jesus is able to discuss her life of sin with her without offense. How do we know she wasn’t offended? Read the rest of her story and see what happens when she goes back to her village.
Dig in and know Him. Love you all!