Office 970-454-3411
December 12th, 2024

Good Morning “Those Determined  to Truly Know What You’re Talking About.”  Today we are in Job 5.  

Eliphaz continues in his arrogant misdiagnosed rebuking of Job.  Notice even as he seeks to compel Job his prophetic statements are false.  We know the rest of Jobs story and Eliphaz is way off.  He’s way off because his words did not and are not coming from The Lord, but Satan.  Only God knows what’s in Jobs future.  

When the people of God, depart from The Word of God and instead absorb the “worlds” ideas regarding God - they are no longer a trustworthy moral compass for us.  Iron no longer sharpens iron but instead dulls it. Wisdom would say we should always confirm what we’re taught with The Word of God (Acts 17:11).

Their words may sound spiritual, filled with religious terms and even Scripture, but apart from continued daily Word prep (Joshua 1:8) they risk simply being a megaphone for the evil one.  Just because someone can speak with sincerity and passion - doesn’t mean what they’re saying is Biblically Accurate.

Oh Eliphaz’ words sounded very spiritual, they were even mostly Biblical, but without a right understanding of God and correct application - his words were little more than Heresy in Jobs ears.  They encouraged him not (Hebrews 10:24).

As a reminder - the only way to adequately defend against such an attack is to KNOW The Word of God.  It’s not a one and done, learned stories when I was a kid, learn from it on Sunday or Wednesday thing.  It’s an everyday Thing!  It’s a how can I possibly navigate this deceptive world - answer.  God gave us His Word to strengthen, guide, lead, correct, rebuke, train, comfort equip etc etc (Psalm 119:105, Psalm 119:9-11, 2 Timothy 3:16-17).  

If they’re not in The Word, don’t listen.  Even if they are in The Word - check what they say yourself (Acts 17:11).  We must make sure we are not an Eliphaz.  If we speak it, we ought to know it’s True.

Love you all!  Dig in!