Office 970-454-3411
Good Morning “Descendants from Adam.”  Don’t grow weary!   Keep digging into The Word!  Remain faithful!  Today we are in Genesis Chapter 5.

Yesterday we read about the devastating effects of sin in us - in our world.  A bad attitude, impure heart led to a sacrifice with what we’re assuming is a begrudging heart.  God always wants our heart.  He doesn’t need our stuff.  When Cains offering was not accepted it appears he quickly turned to anger, jealousy, and resentment,  - then to murder.  Consequences followed.

You might notice a few things as you read about Adams’ lineage.  Don’t let yourself get bored reading lineages - they matter, and there’s good stuff in there.  

- Every generation is mentioned… because every generation matters.

- They lived a lot longer then.  Why?  Sin is progressive.  Meaning the consequences continue to multiply.  People generally lived much longer at this point.  Disease had not yet progressed.  Additionally as a consequence for man’s increased level of depravity, God will limit the length of our time on earth.  That had not happened yet here.  We’ll see that soon.

- Everyone’s life was marked by the sons they had - some had daughters too, and were mentioned, but the sons here were mentioned by name.  Why?  They marked the heads of the households.  Scripture appears to be predominantly directed to men.  Why?  Doesn’t God want the women to learn too?  Absolutely!  She was the pinnacle of Gods creation!  The Father is the Spiritual Leader in the home by Gods design.  It’s assumed he knows best how to reach and teach his family.

- God did amazing things we get to read about even in a “boring” lineage.  Everyone bore their sons and daughters, lived a while longer… then they died.” One was different though.  Did you catch it?

- Noah had 3 sons.  The 4 of them and their wives are about to become VERY important!

Love you all!  Keep digging!