Good Morning “Future Prosperity and Hope Seekers.” Today we are in Genesis 40.
Jeremiah 29:11 tells us “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
How badly do you want to be in the center of Gods will for you? We all want God to fulfill those prosperous plans for our life, but… What if Gods plan for you requires preparation that isn’t fun? We understand to be ready for the game or competition we must practice, condition, and work hard. It’s not always fun. Sometimes it just stinks but we know with it, comes the promise of growth and potential success - so it’s a price we’re willing to pay.
God had a plan for Joseph. We will soon see that what his brothers intended for bad, God meant for good. Gods plan for Joseph required some training and preparation that was not going to be comfortable.
Check out how the Psalmist puts it “and he sent a man before them— Joseph, sold as a slave. They bruised his feet with shackles, his neck was put in irons, till what he foretold came to pass, till the word of the Lord proved him true. The king sent and released him, the ruler of peoples set him free. He made him master of his household, ruler over all he possessed, to instruct his princes as he pleased and teach his elders wisdom.” Psalms 105:17-22
God was going to use Joseph to help accomplish His good purpose in Egypt. Thus, Joseph needed to know Egypt inside and out. He didn’t even speak the language at first. He spent time in Potiphar’s house learning the language, customs and etiquette of royal society there. Now in the kings prison, he will distinguish himself as a result of his Godly attitude and ultimately work his way to the top - so to speak. All though in prison, he is all the while growing, learning and in fact preparing for what God has up ahead.
In many ways we’ve become a society that is soft, wanting the benefit without putting in the work. I think most Christians would agree they want God to bless them and use them for big things - but are we willing to go through what it takes to get there?
What about you? If Gods plans for you are ultimately all Good, do you want all that God has in store for you? What if it means some prep time that might include some trials or suffering even? Are you up for it? Just some questions to ponder as you study.
Love you all! Keep digging!
Jeremiah 29:11 tells us “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
How badly do you want to be in the center of Gods will for you? We all want God to fulfill those prosperous plans for our life, but… What if Gods plan for you requires preparation that isn’t fun? We understand to be ready for the game or competition we must practice, condition, and work hard. It’s not always fun. Sometimes it just stinks but we know with it, comes the promise of growth and potential success - so it’s a price we’re willing to pay.
God had a plan for Joseph. We will soon see that what his brothers intended for bad, God meant for good. Gods plan for Joseph required some training and preparation that was not going to be comfortable.
Check out how the Psalmist puts it “and he sent a man before them— Joseph, sold as a slave. They bruised his feet with shackles, his neck was put in irons, till what he foretold came to pass, till the word of the Lord proved him true. The king sent and released him, the ruler of peoples set him free. He made him master of his household, ruler over all he possessed, to instruct his princes as he pleased and teach his elders wisdom.” Psalms 105:17-22
God was going to use Joseph to help accomplish His good purpose in Egypt. Thus, Joseph needed to know Egypt inside and out. He didn’t even speak the language at first. He spent time in Potiphar’s house learning the language, customs and etiquette of royal society there. Now in the kings prison, he will distinguish himself as a result of his Godly attitude and ultimately work his way to the top - so to speak. All though in prison, he is all the while growing, learning and in fact preparing for what God has up ahead.
In many ways we’ve become a society that is soft, wanting the benefit without putting in the work. I think most Christians would agree they want God to bless them and use them for big things - but are we willing to go through what it takes to get there?
What about you? If Gods plans for you are ultimately all Good, do you want all that God has in store for you? What if it means some prep time that might include some trials or suffering even? Are you up for it? Just some questions to ponder as you study.
Love you all! Keep digging!