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Good Morning “Restored Through Repentance.”  Today we are in Genesis 38.

Last chapter we saw the beginning of the story of Joseph.  The chapter ends with Joseph being sold into Egypt - to Potiphar.  While Jospeh is in Egypt over the next  22 years or so - the story of Judah’s line takes place.  Remember he is the recipient of the seed promise.  Israel’s Kings will descend from his line… the Messiah will descend from his line!  His line must be kept pure.

As we open chapter 38, in vs 2 we immediately see a problem.  Did you catch it?  “There Judah met the daughter of a Canaanite man named Shua. He married her…”  Remember what we know about the Canaanites.  They were cursed.  They were Godless.  Israel is Blessed.  What association does light have with darkness?

As you read through this chapter, notice the consequences of Judahs sinful choice in his Canaanite wife.  It’s imperative that we live according to Gods plan - His Word - choosing to live according to the will of God is a matter of life and death.  

Notice, Gods sovereignty.  Even as the line of the Messiah is in jeopardy once again due to the sinfulness of man, God works through another heap of sin to ensure the purity of the line.  

Notice Judahs restoration upon his repentance once confronted with the truth about Tamar’s pregnancy.  “Judah recognized them and said, “She is more righteous than I…” vs 26

None of Judahs 3 sons could be in the line because they were the product of the Canaanite wife.  So what of Tamar… where does she come from?  Well her name means “Palm Tree”… in Hebrew.  Her name only has meaning in Hebrew… which means what?  She’s Hebrew, likely directly from the line of Abraham.  

Tamar has two sons Perez and Zerah.  In fact Perez is the recipient of “The Blessing” and will carry on the line.  In fact the first king from the line of Judah will be a man named David, but he will not be the first king in Israel.  The first king will come from Benjamin’s line.  Why doesn’t the first king come from Judah’s line if he has the promise.  The answer is the consequence for Judahs sin with Tamar.  Deuteronomy 23:2 “No one of illegitimate birth shall enter the assembly of the LORD; none of his descendants, even to the tenth generation, shall enter the assembly of the LORD.”  David is the 10th generation after Perez.  

God is Sovereign - The Master.  As we have seen, He is capable of preserving and working His plan despite man’s sin - even using man’s sin, and sinful man.  Why?  It’s all He has to work with!  He is faithful to bring about repentance in the heart of the sinner and upon true repentance to restore us to Himself!  Praise the Lord!  

Love you all!!! Dig in!