Good Morning “Resistors of the Flesh.” Today we are in Genesis 30.
We continue with the story of Jacob and Gods working though him despite his family’s sin. Don’t get confused here. Parts of this story appear to condone sin. Pay careful attention to who’s speaking and how far away from the Lord they are at each moment. The end never justify the means. Successful circumstances do not necessarily confirm Gods will. He may let us continue in sin to allow us to experience the consequences, and come to repentance, but the letting does NOT constitute His approval.
The sin will continue to bring consequences in Jacob’s family. Each wife he takes, other than Leah is able to bare 2 sons. Coincidence? 2 is the number for division in Scripture - God was making a statement. Leah and Rachael go back and forth naming their sons names that have meanings insulting to the other. They clearly are not focused on honoring The Lord but winning in their jealousy filled reproductive battle.
Jacob seems to have little to no leadership in the family, led by lust, simply going from woman to woman as directed by his wives. He’s clueless to the division he’s causing and the consequences that are coming. God chose Leah for Jacob. Had Jacob focused his attention on her, she seems to be capable of giving him all 12 sons.
All the while Laban is thriving - getting rich off of 14 years of Jacob’s work. Through divination (by Satan) Laban comes to the conclusion that Jacob is the reason for his success. Remember, Jacob is supposed to end up in the Promised Land. Satan isn’t about it. Upon Jacob’s asking to be released - Laban begins to conspire to keep him. The two strike a deal. Jacob will get to keep all the black, spotted and speckled animals of the heard. So what’s Laban do? Immediately he separates them out and sends his sons 3 days away with them. In his mind Jacob will have no animals to start his herds with. He’ll be working for Laban forever.
Jacob has a few tricks of his own. He has been working the herds for a long time and has become an expert in breeding. We can only assume that with the use of the cut branch’s in the water he’s discovered some way of causing his female animals to go into heat. He simultaneously builds his own herds while compromising Labans.
Where’s the love? Where’s the honor? Where’s the waiting on and trusting in God. See if you can find sprinkles of it amidst this story of sin and flesh.
Love You All! Dig in!
We continue with the story of Jacob and Gods working though him despite his family’s sin. Don’t get confused here. Parts of this story appear to condone sin. Pay careful attention to who’s speaking and how far away from the Lord they are at each moment. The end never justify the means. Successful circumstances do not necessarily confirm Gods will. He may let us continue in sin to allow us to experience the consequences, and come to repentance, but the letting does NOT constitute His approval.
The sin will continue to bring consequences in Jacob’s family. Each wife he takes, other than Leah is able to bare 2 sons. Coincidence? 2 is the number for division in Scripture - God was making a statement. Leah and Rachael go back and forth naming their sons names that have meanings insulting to the other. They clearly are not focused on honoring The Lord but winning in their jealousy filled reproductive battle.
Jacob seems to have little to no leadership in the family, led by lust, simply going from woman to woman as directed by his wives. He’s clueless to the division he’s causing and the consequences that are coming. God chose Leah for Jacob. Had Jacob focused his attention on her, she seems to be capable of giving him all 12 sons.
All the while Laban is thriving - getting rich off of 14 years of Jacob’s work. Through divination (by Satan) Laban comes to the conclusion that Jacob is the reason for his success. Remember, Jacob is supposed to end up in the Promised Land. Satan isn’t about it. Upon Jacob’s asking to be released - Laban begins to conspire to keep him. The two strike a deal. Jacob will get to keep all the black, spotted and speckled animals of the heard. So what’s Laban do? Immediately he separates them out and sends his sons 3 days away with them. In his mind Jacob will have no animals to start his herds with. He’ll be working for Laban forever.
Jacob has a few tricks of his own. He has been working the herds for a long time and has become an expert in breeding. We can only assume that with the use of the cut branch’s in the water he’s discovered some way of causing his female animals to go into heat. He simultaneously builds his own herds while compromising Labans.
Where’s the love? Where’s the honor? Where’s the waiting on and trusting in God. See if you can find sprinkles of it amidst this story of sin and flesh.
Love You All! Dig in!