Good Morning “Cursed by Sin.” Today we are Genesis 3.
All that God created was very good - perfect really. Then we sinned. Adam and Eve were the first, but we ALL sin and fall short of the Glory or God. This passage is the answer to most all of the “Why God” questions.
Why injustice? Sin.
Why disease? Sin.
Why suffering? Sin.
Why death? Sin.
In short… why is this happening? Usually the answer is sin.
When sin entered the world, so did pain, injustice, suffering, disease, and ultimately death. We all sin so we can hardly blame Adam and Eve. Literally every truly bad thing we see can be traced back to sin - either ours or someone else’s. God simply does not protect us from all of the consequences of it.
Some things to note from this passage:
- God clearly gave Adam the instruction - Don’t eat from THAT tree.
- The Devil comes along and in the exact same way as he operates today, distorts the Word of God. He twists Gods very reasonable request. …, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?””
Genesis 3:1
God NEVER said “any”… just one.
- It’s contagious, check out Eve. She corrects Satan by clarifying it was just the tree in the middle of the Garden, but then she twists it too… “and you must not touch it, or you will die.’ ” Genesis 3:3 NIV
- God never said “don’t touch it.”
Question… Where’s Adam? God had just given him the command to care for, cultivate, protect, everything in his realm. The most crafty, dangerous creature known to man comes and he’s too busy to answer the door. Eve shouldn’t even be having this conversation. I believe this is the reason that Adam is credited with the first sin. Romans 5:12-19. Men… step up! Take responsibility!
- God is all knowing. Yet even after their sin He still shows up for their morning fellowship. They were the ones hiding. In our sin we separate ourself from Him. It’s not the other way around.
- Adam is the first to throw Eve under the bus, and blame God all in one breath. “The woman You gave me…”. It’s the woman… wait YOU gave her to me… must be Your fault. We do the same thing today. Again… take responsibility for your own sin.
You’ll have to dig in and read about the curse that came upon the earth, and man and woman as a result of their sin. Pay attention to what God does to protect them from being locked in a sinful existence FOREVER. Even then He was protecting us from further consequence of sin. We dare not blame Him for anything.
I could go on for days… Love you all! Dig in!
All that God created was very good - perfect really. Then we sinned. Adam and Eve were the first, but we ALL sin and fall short of the Glory or God. This passage is the answer to most all of the “Why God” questions.
Why injustice? Sin.
Why disease? Sin.
Why suffering? Sin.
Why death? Sin.
In short… why is this happening? Usually the answer is sin.
When sin entered the world, so did pain, injustice, suffering, disease, and ultimately death. We all sin so we can hardly blame Adam and Eve. Literally every truly bad thing we see can be traced back to sin - either ours or someone else’s. God simply does not protect us from all of the consequences of it.
Some things to note from this passage:
- God clearly gave Adam the instruction - Don’t eat from THAT tree.
- The Devil comes along and in the exact same way as he operates today, distorts the Word of God. He twists Gods very reasonable request. …, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?””
Genesis 3:1
God NEVER said “any”… just one.
- It’s contagious, check out Eve. She corrects Satan by clarifying it was just the tree in the middle of the Garden, but then she twists it too… “and you must not touch it, or you will die.’ ” Genesis 3:3 NIV
- God never said “don’t touch it.”
Question… Where’s Adam? God had just given him the command to care for, cultivate, protect, everything in his realm. The most crafty, dangerous creature known to man comes and he’s too busy to answer the door. Eve shouldn’t even be having this conversation. I believe this is the reason that Adam is credited with the first sin. Romans 5:12-19. Men… step up! Take responsibility!
- God is all knowing. Yet even after their sin He still shows up for their morning fellowship. They were the ones hiding. In our sin we separate ourself from Him. It’s not the other way around.
- Adam is the first to throw Eve under the bus, and blame God all in one breath. “The woman You gave me…”. It’s the woman… wait YOU gave her to me… must be Your fault. We do the same thing today. Again… take responsibility for your own sin.
You’ll have to dig in and read about the curse that came upon the earth, and man and woman as a result of their sin. Pay attention to what God does to protect them from being locked in a sinful existence FOREVER. Even then He was protecting us from further consequence of sin. We dare not blame Him for anything.
I could go on for days… Love you all! Dig in!