Office 970-454-3411
Good Morning “Observers of both Gods “Grace and Justice.”  Today we are in Genesis Chapter 18 where we see incredible examples of both.

Let’s be clear.  God is Holy and Perfect in every way, and as such cannot operate outside of His character.  He is perfect Mercy and Grace while also being perfect Justice all at the same time.  Therefore His character demands both for man.  So often only one or the other is taught.  God is either all bunnies and rainbows, only doing things we define in our own minds as good; or He is all wrath, bringing punishment on the sinner before our eyes.  YES - BOTH!  Perfectly though - with the precision of a surgeons scalpel.  Both must be taught, or The Truth of The Gospel of Jesus in minimized.  We act in arrogance when we sit over the Lords character, purpose and actions deciding for ourselves what He is, can be and whether or not what He does is good.  He is GOOD - Period.  The Bible is clear.  It’s our base - period.  Opinion has no place.

The Grace of God is on full display here.  First as God appears to Abraham in the form of what appears to be 3 men.  We call Gods physical appearance like this a Theophany.  Abraham clearly realizes He is in the presence of God - demonstrated by his response.  We can learn a thing or three from Abrahams response to Gods presence.  

The first purpose of Gods visit has to do with His Covenant with Abraham, and the timeline of Sarah’s pregnancy.

In contrast to the incredible Grace of God, we then move to His necessary judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah.  Sin requires a payment, death - period.  Roman 6:23.  God cannot allow their sin to continue any longer.  Within Abrahams conversation with God we see the preciseness of Gods judgment.  He will not bring judgment on those undeserving of it.  Frankly the story of Gods destroying Sodom and Gomorrah, and sparing Lot argues even further for a pre-tribulation rapture.  We see here evidence of Gods willingness to spare the righteous from judgment not earned.

We all sin.  Our sin demands death.  While we were yet in our sin, Jesus died for us.  He paid the price we would spend an eternity attempting to satisfy.  His payment makes it possible for us to be reconciled to our Holy Perfect God.  Rom. 3:23, 6:23, 5:8, 10:9, 8:1. Justice was served on the Cross, but we must receive Jesus payment for our sins.  What have you done with Jesus?

Love you all!  Dig in!