Office 970-454-3411
Good Morning “Faithful Followers.”  Today we are in Genesis 12.   If you are still reading each day with us, like Abraham you are interested in what God has for you.  

Abraham was doing fine where he was, at least as it relates to prosperity.  We see this when we see the list of all Abraham gathered when God said go.

“He took his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, all the possessions they had accumulated and the people they had acquired in Harran, and they set out for the land of Canaan, and they arrived there.” Genesis‬ ‭12‬:‭5‬ ‭NIV‬‬

God promised to make Abraham into a great nation, to bless him - and that all peoples would be blessed through him.  It also came with a promise of protection.  

Now understand faith in God was a fairly new thing here.  Yet when the Lord calls, Abraham answers in faith.  He heard and believed that the Lord was going to bless - likely even more than he had already been blessed.  The going was the good part.  However like we often do, Abraham had moments  of weakness and made mistakes along the way.

As he is wandering through the promised land, observing all that God has promised to give - he ends up right smack in the middle of a test.  There was famine in the land.  Why do I say it was a test?  Question, who’s in control of the famine?  

Abraham knows that Egypt would have been prosperous even in the midst of a famine.  The Nile promises good harvest even when there isn’t in other places.  So here… in the midst of Abrahams first real challenge in his journey, he makes the decision to take things into his own hands and do the only thing he knew to do - go into Egypt.

Now it was common practice for powerful Egyptian leaders to kill husbands and take their wives - it was a real thing.  So believing he would NEED to protect himself, to “help” God fulfill his promise he comes up with a jacked up plan.  You’ll have to read on to see how well that works out for him.  

Here’s where Abraham went wrong.  If God promises it, He will do it!  Period!  And He will do everything needed for Him to do it; like living, having food - He will take care of that too! One foot in obedience to God, and one foot in the world we seemingly can control… NEVER works!  Gods in control of it all!  He owns it all!  If He leads you to it, He’ll get you though it!

Love you all!  Dig in!