Office 970-454-3411
Good Morning “Decendents of Japheth.  Today we are in Genesis 10.  

Genesis 10 is a sort of overview.  If you look at the big picture, Chapter 10 gives the lineage of the entire worlds nationalities.  We see how Noah and his 3 sons populated the earth.  

“This is the account of Shem, Ham and Japheth, Noah’s sons, who themselves had sons after the flood.” Genesis‬ ‭10‬:‭1‬ ‭NIV‬‬

As you read on you no doubt find yourself stumbling through a whole bunch of Hebrew names you struggle to even pronounce.  So what’s the point?  What does it matter?  It matters a bunch!  

All those Hebrew names mean something. They either correspond directly to the name of a country, an area, or a people group - either one that still exists or once did, before being conquered or overtaken sometime in History.  From Noah’s 3 sons we see not just how the nations and peoples became where they are, but who there are as it relates to Jesus.

When we move into chapter 11 we can see what event and Who actually served to scatter them.  Spoiler alert, it’s God in response to man - an old Sunday School Story.  From Noah’s 3 sons we also see 3 general people groups emerge.  

See if you can guess who’s who by the names of Noah’s sons - sons.  

1.  Non believers, those in rebellion / opposition toward God.

2.  Gentiles - the Gentile Nations

3.  Arabs, Jews, - Therefore the line of Jesus.  This is where Jesus will come from.  

Awwwwwe… that’s why this is important.  Remember the Bible is one story, from beginning to end.  It’s a story of Gods Grace being dispensed upon man ultimately through Jesus.  

We got a clue who one group was going to come from in Chapter 9.  Remember when one son looked on his naked father Noah and instead of honoring him went out and told his brothers.  This was a BIG deal then.  Noah wakes and curses his son Canaan as a result.  

Check it out.  Read the lines.  Recognize the names.  Love you all!