Office 970-454-3411
November 14th, 2024

Good Morning “Those Who Put Distance Between Themselves and Their Sin.”  Today we are in Ezra 10.  

Ideas and philosophies are contagious… good and bad.  Thus, sin is contagious (1 Corinthians 15:33, Galatians 5:9).  Guess what, so is repentance.  In the process of Ezra’s mourning the sin of Judah he draws a crowd.  With Ezra’s evident brokenness, they too are convicted.  

Their sin, our sin separates us from God.  This concept should not be hard for us to understand.  When we totally disagree with someone on something it’s tough for us to have a close relationship with them.  The bigger the issue, the harder it is.  The bigger the issue the harder it is to look past or ignore.  “If they could just see it my way!”  Our unwillingness to agree creates a divide within relationships.

Sinfulness is the absolute opposite of Gods righteousness (2 Corinthians 6:14-15). He is Holy.  When we have unconfessed sin in our lives, sin we have not dealt with - we are refusing to see it Gods way.  We frankly are saying “I choose this instead of You.”  Naturally that kind of thing divides and separates us from Him.  He never leaves (Hebrews 13:5), we distance ourselves.  Remember… after Adam and Eves sin in The Garden - they hid.  God still came to meet with them as appeared typical - despite the fact He knew what they had done (Genesis 3:6-10).  Don’t forget, He’s all knowing (1 John 3:20).

Judah was not content to remain distanced from God so instead, they put distance between themselves and their sin.  They were repenting.  True repentance is quite simply agreeing with God regarding the nature of our sin, (changed thinking) then turning away from it and taking steps so as to never return it.  

We must know His Word to live in line with it!  As we learn and recognize areas we disagree with God, we must humble ourselves realizing His Way is always best - and change our thinking to match His.  Then… the natural response:  brokenness, confession and repentance should follow (James 4:4-10)

Love you all!  Dig in!  Instead of distancing ourselves from God, let’s put some distance between ourselves and our sin.