Office 970-454-3411
Good Morning “Thankful Witnesses to Gods Promises.”  Today we are in Exodus chapter 6.  

Moses continues his discussion with God.  As we’ve been reading, have you found yourself THANKFUL that God has given us so much to bolster our faith?  Or rather, have you marveled at the faith of the Patriarchs on down to Moses when they had so little to go on?  Hebrews 1 explains my point. “God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, in these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭

We might find ourselves reading the Old Testament, and wondering how these guys made it into the Hall of Faith - Heb. 11.  I mean, they are all over the place.  Consider this… Noah had little to go on but Gods command to him.  In Abrahams day they were largely Pagan.  Uhr was a Pagan city.  God speaks and Abraham goes.  We see similar responses at times when prompted by God - from Isaac, Jacob, Joshua etc.

Moses was a descendent of Levi, but his wife wasn’t.  By Scripture we know his mom knew he was something special.  Moses knew God had big plans for him.  But clearly his faith wavered some, his 2nd son wasn’t circumcised.  Now Moses, who isn’t a good speaker, with Aaron, is expected to go to the most powerful man on Earth at the time, who has enslaved the Nation of Israel, and tell him to turn Israel loose. Pharaoh could likely kill him upon  hearing the threats.  But he’s got the promise of God.

Moses didn’t have the complete written Word of God like we do, he didn’t have the wealth of fulfilled prophecy like we have.  Moses didn’t have that proof of Gods Love in the risen Savior, nor the Holy Spirit who lives in us.  Moses had creation (Rom. 1), the record of the Patriarch’s, and Gods appearances, direct Word to him, and some miracles - which actually appear few.  That’s it.  

Moses was 40 when he stepped out of Pharaoh’s house, stopped the Hebrews from fighting and was rejected.  It’ll be 40 more years… he is now 80 when God tells him to leave Midian.  40 years in Midian.  How much did God talk to him there?  How much encouragement in his faith did he get?  Scripture doesn’t tell us.  

He has blessed us so incredibly.  How could we possibly doubt?  How could we waver?  How could we hesitate to make ourselves available to His work?  We have everything they had by way of proofs and so much more!  We have The Word, The Savior, The Holy Spirit in us!

Love you all!  Be Thankful!  Be encouraged!  Dig in!  Get after it!