Office 970-454-3411
Good Morning “Discouraged.”  Today we are in Exodus 5.  

Have you ever felt like you were doing what you were supposed to be doing, living the way you were supposed to be living, according to Gods Word - but things weren’t good?  Maybe you’ve been in the process of serving Him in some way and it just didn’t go the way you expected.  

Things didn’t go as Moses had apparently imagined they would either.  Moses is confused and discouraged.  He has apparently forgotten that this was going to be a process.  He’s forgotten that God promised to harden Pharaohs heart, that He was going to display His power to Egypt and the Nation though 10 plagues.

Despite Gods clear Word to Moses, he must have assumed things would go much differently.    We hope and pray for world peace, yet prophecy says that will never happen until Jesus wraps it all up.

There is a great lesson in here for us all.  Whether we will admit it or not, we all somehow feel at least a bit like Moses when we give our lives to the Lord.  It’s common to feel like God will change our lives, it will get better, we will be blessed here on Earth… bunnies and rainbows are coming.  Maybe… but not necessarily.  God never promises that - here on Earth.  Our promised blessing is in eternity.  What He does promise is that He will never leave us or forsake us, that He will give us strength when we are weary, that He will speak and work through us by His Spirit.  In fact Jesus promised - “In this world you will have trouble.”  Why else would we be getting weary unless it was hard?  How would we know the power and strength of God unless we need it?  How would we know He still does miracles unless we need one?  

Gods work is hard, messy, and always includes a way bigger plan and process than we can see or likely understand.  Living a life that glorifies Him is difficult in the dark world we live!  But it’s worth it!  The inner strength, joy, peace He gives in the midst is unexplainable.  Never doubt it!  

Love you all!  Dig in!