Merry Christmas “Temple of The Living God.” Unto us a Savior is Born! Today we are in Exodus 38.
In Exodus 38 we read about the construction of the remaining elements for the Tabernacle. You’ll recall the Tabernacle will be the place where Gods people will come to make sacrifices for their sin, and worship God. You may also recall that the sacrificial system only temporarily “covered” their sin. Sin requires death. One purpose of the system was to steer Gods people to realize they needed a once and for all sacrifice that could cover all their sin. What they needed was a Savior! Jesus was coming!
We are blessed to live in the time of Grace - after His death! The needed once and for all sacrifice has been made. Today we celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus. He was Supernaturally conceived in the Virgin Mary - born fully God and fully man. Luke 2. He would live and love 33 years here on earth - showing us how to do it properly. During that time He would face every temptation known to man, but would remain sinless. Heb 4:15. The Jews would reject Him as Messiah, and press the Romans to crucify Him for claiming He was God. On the 3rd day, Jesus would rise from the grave, conquering sin and death - furthermore proving His payment was accepted. John 18-20. Because He was both fully God and fully man, and because He was sinless, His life was sufficient to pay for all sin. Receiving His payment made on The Cross, is THE ONLY Way to get to Heaven John 14:6. It’s a matter of belief, John 3:16. True belief results in action Rom 10:9.
After His resurrection Jesus shows Himself to hundreds, and promises to send His Spirit to dwell in believers. His Holy Spirit would serve to lead, convict, teach, comfort, and empower us. He would now dwell in the bodies of believers! We would be The new Temple of The Living God. 1 Cor. 3:16 Moses met with God face to face. He lives in us! In Acts 1 we read of Jesus ascension into Heaven. In Acts 2 we read of the coming of The Holy Spirit.
If you have received His payment for your sin - What a Miracle we thankfully celebrate today! Yes He is The Reason for the season. He is the reason we have life eternal! What a blessing that we do not need a Tabernacle to worship Him, for He lives in us! Merry Christmas!!!
Love you all! Keep digging!
In Exodus 38 we read about the construction of the remaining elements for the Tabernacle. You’ll recall the Tabernacle will be the place where Gods people will come to make sacrifices for their sin, and worship God. You may also recall that the sacrificial system only temporarily “covered” their sin. Sin requires death. One purpose of the system was to steer Gods people to realize they needed a once and for all sacrifice that could cover all their sin. What they needed was a Savior! Jesus was coming!
We are blessed to live in the time of Grace - after His death! The needed once and for all sacrifice has been made. Today we celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus. He was Supernaturally conceived in the Virgin Mary - born fully God and fully man. Luke 2. He would live and love 33 years here on earth - showing us how to do it properly. During that time He would face every temptation known to man, but would remain sinless. Heb 4:15. The Jews would reject Him as Messiah, and press the Romans to crucify Him for claiming He was God. On the 3rd day, Jesus would rise from the grave, conquering sin and death - furthermore proving His payment was accepted. John 18-20. Because He was both fully God and fully man, and because He was sinless, His life was sufficient to pay for all sin. Receiving His payment made on The Cross, is THE ONLY Way to get to Heaven John 14:6. It’s a matter of belief, John 3:16. True belief results in action Rom 10:9.
After His resurrection Jesus shows Himself to hundreds, and promises to send His Spirit to dwell in believers. His Holy Spirit would serve to lead, convict, teach, comfort, and empower us. He would now dwell in the bodies of believers! We would be The new Temple of The Living God. 1 Cor. 3:16 Moses met with God face to face. He lives in us! In Acts 1 we read of Jesus ascension into Heaven. In Acts 2 we read of the coming of The Holy Spirit.
If you have received His payment for your sin - What a Miracle we thankfully celebrate today! Yes He is The Reason for the season. He is the reason we have life eternal! What a blessing that we do not need a Tabernacle to worship Him, for He lives in us! Merry Christmas!!!
Love you all! Keep digging!