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Good Morning “Blessed With All You Need to Serve.”  Today we are in Exodus 35.  

In preparation for the “Get to Work” order Moses starts this chapter with a reminder to observe the Sabbath.  I’m always struck any time I read a passage  about the Sabbath Law.  It sure seems two sided to me.  We’re quick to remember to observe rest on the 7th day, but what does the first part say?  Each time and in each place The Word says something like, “6 days work is to be done - then on the 7th rest.” You never hear anyone mention that first piece.  We live in a world that has indulged our flesh to the point that we seek a 5 day, or 4 or even 3 day work week so we have more time to play.  Work was created by God as a good thing.  It still is, just comes with weeds now.  It’s Biblical to work and provide for yourself and the needs of others.  

The rest of this chapter is reminder of Gods provision for His calling.  The people already had everything they needed to carry out the building of the Tabernacle - including the skill!  It’s a reminder - remember He called you to Himself with good work already in mind for you to do Eph. 2:10.  He’s already, or will give you everything you need for that service.

Isn’t God cool!  Love you all!  Dig in!