Good Morning “Witnesses of Gods Grace.” Today we are in Exodus 33
In chapter 32 we read that while Moses was on the mountain with God, the Nation grew impatient. They wanted an idol to follow in Gods place. They worshipped the Lord with a twisted form of blended pagan worship which not only included a sacrifice but then large group debauchery. It was sin worthy of death. We read how God instructed Moses to select some men to go through the camp, in full view of the others and kill all the instigators. 3000 died by the sword. But what of the rest. They stood by and did nothing it appears. Maybe even took part in it.
Chapter 33 opens by God once again testing Moses. The Covenant is broken, hence God is not bound to keep his part either. His one sided covenant with Abraham concerning Israel as a whole is still in effect, but with this generation, no. The Tabernacle, the Sacrificial System - all null and void unless God continues with them. God tells Moses these people are stiff necked - a word meaning unbelievers, hard hearted. In fact He goes on to tell Moses that if He remained in their presence He would surely kill them. His perfect justice demands He deals with sin when it’s in His presence. Think of a murderer out on the loose. No judgement as long as long as they are out, but bring them into a courtroom and the judge MUST judge accordingly. Justice demands it.
Moses pleads once again for Gods people, demonstrating his willingness to die for those he’s in charge of. By the way, this should be the position of any good leader. We know God never changes His mind so we must take this as yet another test for Moses, as God teaches him who he (Moses) has become. Often we don’t see our own growth until we are faced with a desperate trial.
God agrees to continue before them and meet with Moses regularly as he leads. Furthermore He agrees to reveal more of Himself to Moses as a sign - with some conditions. The radiance of God is such that NO ONE can look directly on Him without dying. Think of it like standing next to and looking directly at the sun. So He’s going to put Moses in a crack in the rocks and let Moses see a sliver as He passes by. Think of the manner in which we might view an eclipse.
All of this chapter is a story of Gods grace. Unmerited favor. These people will die in the desert, but God will continue with them as an example for all generations to follow.
Sin is a big deal! As we diminish the seriousness of sin, we loose fear of the Lord, and diminish the Grace of Jesus payment on the cross. Never forget! Praise Him! Dig in! Love you all!
In chapter 32 we read that while Moses was on the mountain with God, the Nation grew impatient. They wanted an idol to follow in Gods place. They worshipped the Lord with a twisted form of blended pagan worship which not only included a sacrifice but then large group debauchery. It was sin worthy of death. We read how God instructed Moses to select some men to go through the camp, in full view of the others and kill all the instigators. 3000 died by the sword. But what of the rest. They stood by and did nothing it appears. Maybe even took part in it.
Chapter 33 opens by God once again testing Moses. The Covenant is broken, hence God is not bound to keep his part either. His one sided covenant with Abraham concerning Israel as a whole is still in effect, but with this generation, no. The Tabernacle, the Sacrificial System - all null and void unless God continues with them. God tells Moses these people are stiff necked - a word meaning unbelievers, hard hearted. In fact He goes on to tell Moses that if He remained in their presence He would surely kill them. His perfect justice demands He deals with sin when it’s in His presence. Think of a murderer out on the loose. No judgement as long as long as they are out, but bring them into a courtroom and the judge MUST judge accordingly. Justice demands it.
Moses pleads once again for Gods people, demonstrating his willingness to die for those he’s in charge of. By the way, this should be the position of any good leader. We know God never changes His mind so we must take this as yet another test for Moses, as God teaches him who he (Moses) has become. Often we don’t see our own growth until we are faced with a desperate trial.
God agrees to continue before them and meet with Moses regularly as he leads. Furthermore He agrees to reveal more of Himself to Moses as a sign - with some conditions. The radiance of God is such that NO ONE can look directly on Him without dying. Think of it like standing next to and looking directly at the sun. So He’s going to put Moses in a crack in the rocks and let Moses see a sliver as He passes by. Think of the manner in which we might view an eclipse.
All of this chapter is a story of Gods grace. Unmerited favor. These people will die in the desert, but God will continue with them as an example for all generations to follow.
Sin is a big deal! As we diminish the seriousness of sin, we loose fear of the Lord, and diminish the Grace of Jesus payment on the cross. Never forget! Praise Him! Dig in! Love you all!