Good Morning “Your Bodies as a Sacrifice.” Today we are in Exodus 26.
If you find yourself reading Exodus 26 and wondering what it has to do with you… the answer is everything.
The Tabernacle will be the place the people come to deal with their sin, provide sacrifice and get right with God. It’s a picture of Something so much greater! Here God gives very detailed instructions as to how the Tabernacle will be built. Again, EVERYTHING is on His terms not ours. The wood will be covered with Gold. Jesus came in the flesh, He was fully man, but He was also fully God . Hence the wood covered with Gold. The entire Tabernacle will be about 45 feet long, 15 feet high, and 15 feet wide. The inner room about the size of a typical bedroom. The colors used are representative of royalty, the Kingship of Jesus. The entire structure rests on silver symbolizing Jesus atonement for our sins sustaining our ability to come into fellowship with God.
The inner cloth is much more beautiful than the outer, symbolizing the difference between the outside world and the amazing fellowship we experience when we enter in with Jesus. Inside the Tabernacle there is a curtain that separates the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies or the Inner Room. There is only 1 door into the entire thing. One way - John 14:6. Only the Priests can enter into the Holy Place at this point with Israel. We are referred to as Priests in the New Testament through Jesus. Only the High Priest can enter the Holy of Holies separated by the curtain. However when Jesus died on the Cross the curtain was torn symbolizing our now direct access to God the Father through Jesus.
Everything was symbolic. God was this imbedding imagery He would later connect to The Savior. Through this sacrificial system, Israel would learn the weight of their sin, and the requirement of blood to cover it. Continual sacrifice was required for continual sin, because the blood of bulls and goats could only provide temporary propitiation - Atonement for sin. The nation would soon realize they need a Sacrifice that would be sufficient to cover their sin once and for all. But where could a sacrifice like that be found?
Personally I’d could not imagine living under this system. I feel like I would be spending all my time sacrificing at the Tabernacle. Soon I would have no herds. No more animal sacrifice is required, however; because He died in our place providing the payment for all our sin He now requires even more. Now He requires your still beating heart, as a living sacrifice presented to Him Holy as it is purified by His blood. Romans 12:1-2
Love you all! Dig in!
If you find yourself reading Exodus 26 and wondering what it has to do with you… the answer is everything.
The Tabernacle will be the place the people come to deal with their sin, provide sacrifice and get right with God. It’s a picture of Something so much greater! Here God gives very detailed instructions as to how the Tabernacle will be built. Again, EVERYTHING is on His terms not ours. The wood will be covered with Gold. Jesus came in the flesh, He was fully man, but He was also fully God . Hence the wood covered with Gold. The entire Tabernacle will be about 45 feet long, 15 feet high, and 15 feet wide. The inner room about the size of a typical bedroom. The colors used are representative of royalty, the Kingship of Jesus. The entire structure rests on silver symbolizing Jesus atonement for our sins sustaining our ability to come into fellowship with God.
The inner cloth is much more beautiful than the outer, symbolizing the difference between the outside world and the amazing fellowship we experience when we enter in with Jesus. Inside the Tabernacle there is a curtain that separates the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies or the Inner Room. There is only 1 door into the entire thing. One way - John 14:6. Only the Priests can enter into the Holy Place at this point with Israel. We are referred to as Priests in the New Testament through Jesus. Only the High Priest can enter the Holy of Holies separated by the curtain. However when Jesus died on the Cross the curtain was torn symbolizing our now direct access to God the Father through Jesus.
Everything was symbolic. God was this imbedding imagery He would later connect to The Savior. Through this sacrificial system, Israel would learn the weight of their sin, and the requirement of blood to cover it. Continual sacrifice was required for continual sin, because the blood of bulls and goats could only provide temporary propitiation - Atonement for sin. The nation would soon realize they need a Sacrifice that would be sufficient to cover their sin once and for all. But where could a sacrifice like that be found?
Personally I’d could not imagine living under this system. I feel like I would be spending all my time sacrificing at the Tabernacle. Soon I would have no herds. No more animal sacrifice is required, however; because He died in our place providing the payment for all our sin He now requires even more. Now He requires your still beating heart, as a living sacrifice presented to Him Holy as it is purified by His blood. Romans 12:1-2
Love you all! Dig in!