Office 970-454-3411
Good Morning “In The Care of Our God.”  Today we are in Exodus 23.

As we read this chapter and consider these ordinances, we see that some are a reiteration of the Ten Commandments with further requirement or explanation.  

God is intent on all people governing in a just manner without prejudice.  Our world seems easily swayed by popular opinion, without regard for Truth.  Never confuse the will of the majority with the will of God.  Again we receive a broad warning about taking the life of the innocent.

Laws regarding the Sabbath weren’t just about worship.  They also gave the workers time to rest.  Sabbath laws related to farming gave the land time to replenish nutrients.  Although the need is minimized by modern fertilization, crop rotation is still practiced today.  

Worship The Lord your God… period - No one or anything else.  Have nothing to do with the practices of those who worship other Gods.  The Canaanites had a practice of killing a goat then milking its mother and cooking the kill in its mother’s milk.  Hence the reason for this law.  

The festivals to be celebrated were all shadows or pictures of what was to come.  The coming of The Savior, The coming of The Holy Spirit at Pentecost, and The Return of Christ.  The institution of the requirement forced an anticipation of the real thing to come.  

Finally The Nation would be led by an Angel that carried The Name of God.  This is a pre-incarnate appearance of Christ for He is the one who forgives sins and carries the Name of The Lord.  They are to obey Him and He will protect them and lead them to the promised land.  We know they don’t, and this generation never inherits the land.  

Love you all!  Dig in!  Learn!  The Lord stands watch over all things!