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Good Morning “Having Civil Rights.”  Exodus 22 continues with Law / Ordinances.

The first section of this chapter deals with Law regarding property.  Steal someone’s property and you pay back double.  Think of it like you’re giving back what you took, then as a deterrent you are to give the same amount in restitution.   If a thief breaks into your house at night, there is no penalty for killing them because your life could be in danger.  We have similar “Castle” laws today.  But, if the sun comes up before he is caught, you cannot go after him and kill him.  No vigilante justice.

Personal property is expected to be cared for even among neighbors.  The principle is we have a responsibility to care for others things when borrowed etc.  For instance, still today, if you borrow a shovel and break it while using it - it’s reasonable to think you’ll return the broken shovel, with a new shovel as well.  

The 2nd portion of this chapter deals with societal obligations.  Immediately we see Gods heart for purity within relationship, until marriage.  Each daughter carried the right to a dowry - money paid to the father for the right to marry her.  Notice the responsibility is put on the man.  Genesis 2 - Adam was to protect all in his realm.  If a man seduces and sleeps with a woman, he is to pay the dowry to her father and must marry her.  The ordinance was to ensure the woman’s purity and future care.   If the man refuses to marry her, the implication is the father can take his life.  Ever wonder where the term shotgun wedding came from?  If the father refuses to give her in marriage to the man, the dowry is still paid since she is defiled.  

Everyone, including immigrants are to be treated respectfully.  It’s in the defining of exactly what that means that man’s sin has twisted immigration policy - one way then another.   I’ll leave you to Biblically define what that means.  Remember we’re all created in the Image of God.  

The firstborn sons were all to be given to The Lord - for His service.  This an effort to make sure there were always those leaders within the nation upholding Gods Law.  

Isn’t it interesting how many of these ordinances still find themselves in our list of “What’s right”.  Love you all!  Dig in.