Good Morning “Believing Even When You Don’t See.” Today we are in Exodus 15.
The nation of Israel is safely across the Red Sea and Pharaohs Army dead, and scattered on the beach.
First Moses, then Miriam - break into song. Traditional Hebrew poetry groups similar thoughts in pairs, two statements saying the same thing. Those pairs are grouped in greater thoughts or movements. Moses and Miriam both spoke as prophets. They sang both about the mighty works of God in Egypt and in times to come in a progressive manner through their songs. We’ve already noted that Exodus is also a picture of end time events and the Tribulation. Both sing of Gods deliverance of Israel from Pharoah also eluding to Gods defense of Israel in Tribulation. Pharoah is defeated at the Red Sea and the Antichrist defeated at Christs return.
Despite Israel’s grumbling spirit, even on the shores of the Sea, God preserved them! Why? Because He said He would. He promised Abraham, however; because of their present and future rebellion this generation of Israel will not enter the Promised Land. Israel’s’ inheritance will have to wait until the Millennial Kingdom.
Israel relies heavily on what they see, their immediate circumstances, and not what they should know. God has just miraculously freed them, demonstrating His Power which by now they SHOULD be convinced of. He literally JUST dried up the Red Sea so they could cross, clearly demonstrating His Power over water, and yet 3 days later they’re grumbling because they have no good water. You’ll have to read for yourself to see Gods response.
Are we like the Nation? His Word is CLEAR! His promises are CLEAR! His ability to keep them is CLEARLY seen and apparent all around us! Every time I see the movie the Santa Clause I’m reminded of this principle. It’s spoken in the movie by the great theologian Tim Allen in reference to his character Santa Clause; but my mind always thinks of this point as it relates to God. “Seeing isn’t believing, believing is seeing.” Jesus said this to the Disciples after His resurrection. “Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”” John 20:29 NIV
Love you all! Dig in! See Him with your faith in your heart - not your eyes.
The nation of Israel is safely across the Red Sea and Pharaohs Army dead, and scattered on the beach.
First Moses, then Miriam - break into song. Traditional Hebrew poetry groups similar thoughts in pairs, two statements saying the same thing. Those pairs are grouped in greater thoughts or movements. Moses and Miriam both spoke as prophets. They sang both about the mighty works of God in Egypt and in times to come in a progressive manner through their songs. We’ve already noted that Exodus is also a picture of end time events and the Tribulation. Both sing of Gods deliverance of Israel from Pharoah also eluding to Gods defense of Israel in Tribulation. Pharoah is defeated at the Red Sea and the Antichrist defeated at Christs return.
Despite Israel’s grumbling spirit, even on the shores of the Sea, God preserved them! Why? Because He said He would. He promised Abraham, however; because of their present and future rebellion this generation of Israel will not enter the Promised Land. Israel’s’ inheritance will have to wait until the Millennial Kingdom.
Israel relies heavily on what they see, their immediate circumstances, and not what they should know. God has just miraculously freed them, demonstrating His Power which by now they SHOULD be convinced of. He literally JUST dried up the Red Sea so they could cross, clearly demonstrating His Power over water, and yet 3 days later they’re grumbling because they have no good water. You’ll have to read for yourself to see Gods response.
Are we like the Nation? His Word is CLEAR! His promises are CLEAR! His ability to keep them is CLEARLY seen and apparent all around us! Every time I see the movie the Santa Clause I’m reminded of this principle. It’s spoken in the movie by the great theologian Tim Allen in reference to his character Santa Clause; but my mind always thinks of this point as it relates to God. “Seeing isn’t believing, believing is seeing.” Jesus said this to the Disciples after His resurrection. “Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”” John 20:29 NIV
Love you all! Dig in! See Him with your faith in your heart - not your eyes.