Good Morning “Saved by The Blood of The Lamb.” Today we are in Exodus 12.
We could spend weeks digging into The Passover and its significance to Israel, to us, and its foreshadowing of Jesus.
God was about to bring His wrath upon Egypt (representative of sinful man) but offered a “Passover” solution to His chosen (Israel). By faith they would select a male lamb, in its prime, without blemish - to sacrifice. (Representative of Jesus). Its blood was to be shed, and captured in a bowl. Then in a very specific manner it was to be painted on the sides and tops of their doors. They were given specific instructions as to how to roast and consume all of the lamb, burning anything that remains.
Even the manner in which they ate was demonstration of faith that God was going to release them from the bondage they had been in for hundreds of years. They were to eat with their robes tied up, their sandals on, their staff in hand, eating in haste - ready to bolt out in a flash. This wasn’t all! They were also to plunder their Egyptian neighbors. Not by force… they were simply to go to those who by Pharaohs decree had the right to kill them with no cause, and ask them for their gold and silver. What??? Imagine the faith this took given that they had all been in bondage for what would have been their entire lives.
God had orchestrated the whole Exodus, so that they were not only going to be asked to leave, but sent out wealthy. In fact the wealth of the Egyptians would later be used to build the Temple. The nation of Israel, in Faith did as instructed. That night God came through the land and took every firstborn male human and animal. I believe it was just males. Now most of your texts simply say “firstborn”. In fact every text and commentary I could find said “firstborn” except my old NIV. So why would I say male? Well first of all it follows the pattern we see in Scripture. The firstborn male received the birthright, Jesus was male etc. etc. But the clincher for me is the original Hebrew word, that comes into our language as “firstborn” - is “bekor”. It’s a masculine noun. I’ll leave your final decision up to you. Either way, that’s not the point.
Jesus is our Passover Lamb, once and for all, that we might escape the wrath of God we have earned! By our sin, we deserve the full extent of Gods wrath. All of us Rom. 3:23. Our debt has been paid John 3:16. Payment has been made by the Blood of Jesus shed on the Cross, but by fait we must receive the payment. Rom 10:9.
What have you done with Jesus? Love you all! Keep digging. Don’t grow weary!
We could spend weeks digging into The Passover and its significance to Israel, to us, and its foreshadowing of Jesus.
God was about to bring His wrath upon Egypt (representative of sinful man) but offered a “Passover” solution to His chosen (Israel). By faith they would select a male lamb, in its prime, without blemish - to sacrifice. (Representative of Jesus). Its blood was to be shed, and captured in a bowl. Then in a very specific manner it was to be painted on the sides and tops of their doors. They were given specific instructions as to how to roast and consume all of the lamb, burning anything that remains.
Even the manner in which they ate was demonstration of faith that God was going to release them from the bondage they had been in for hundreds of years. They were to eat with their robes tied up, their sandals on, their staff in hand, eating in haste - ready to bolt out in a flash. This wasn’t all! They were also to plunder their Egyptian neighbors. Not by force… they were simply to go to those who by Pharaohs decree had the right to kill them with no cause, and ask them for their gold and silver. What??? Imagine the faith this took given that they had all been in bondage for what would have been their entire lives.
God had orchestrated the whole Exodus, so that they were not only going to be asked to leave, but sent out wealthy. In fact the wealth of the Egyptians would later be used to build the Temple. The nation of Israel, in Faith did as instructed. That night God came through the land and took every firstborn male human and animal. I believe it was just males. Now most of your texts simply say “firstborn”. In fact every text and commentary I could find said “firstborn” except my old NIV. So why would I say male? Well first of all it follows the pattern we see in Scripture. The firstborn male received the birthright, Jesus was male etc. etc. But the clincher for me is the original Hebrew word, that comes into our language as “firstborn” - is “bekor”. It’s a masculine noun. I’ll leave your final decision up to you. Either way, that’s not the point.
Jesus is our Passover Lamb, once and for all, that we might escape the wrath of God we have earned! By our sin, we deserve the full extent of Gods wrath. All of us Rom. 3:23. Our debt has been paid John 3:16. Payment has been made by the Blood of Jesus shed on the Cross, but by fait we must receive the payment. Rom 10:9.
What have you done with Jesus? Love you all! Keep digging. Don’t grow weary!