Office 970-454-3411
December 3rd, 2024

Good Morning “Lifted Up.”  Today we are in Esther 6.

You ever catch yourself boasting?  Are you one of those people that feel you need to give your exaggerated resume to anyone new you meet?  Surely not, but we’ve all met people like that.  

Many of you know my son Dawson was blessed to be able to race dirt bikes.  We learned early on, that the guys you needed to worry about were NOT the ones talking themselves up.  No, the one you needed to be concerned about was the unassuming nicest guy in the pits - the one that only wanted to know about you.  The guy that talked himself up… well, that’s all he was - talk.

Today we get to read more about a guy just like that - Haman.  While he sought to glorify and elevate himself, Mordecai remained humble.  Although Scripture doesn’t specifically mention the moving of God, one night when the king couldn’t sleep he decides to order the chronicles read to him.  At just right time, when Haman was about to drop the hammer on Mordecai, the king realizes he’s never shown his gratitude to Mordecai for alerting him to the plot against his life.

At just the right time… only God.  God is the same yesterday today and tomorrow.  Peter writes about this very principle many years later.

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.” 1 Peter 5:6

He is “The God who sees” Genesis 16:13. We are somebody special only in Jesus.  We don’t need to elevate ourselves - He will do that. “In due time”, His time, not our timing.  

Love you all!  Dig in!