Office 970-454-3411
Good Morning “Alive in Christ”!
Today we’re in Ephesians 2.

Paul spells it all out quite simply here.  In our sin we were / are dead.  Through Jesus - ALIVE, like never before!!!!

“As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath. But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2‬:‭1‬-‭5‬ ‭NIV‬‬

It’s all Him by Grace!  He calls us, saves us through Jesus, but then expects us to get to work.  Work which He prepared in advance for us to do.

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2‬:‭10‬ ‭NIV‬‬

What a gift!  What an honor and a privilege that the God of all creation, calls us sons and daughters.  He trusts us with the most important work ever - being His hands and feet!  Count it a blessing and get to loving others like Jesus.  The Holy Spirit does the heavy lifting - you just have to make yourself available!  

Love you all!  Dig in!