Office 970-454-3411

Help us build a new directory

We have been blessed with so many new families
that we are in desperate need of a new church directory.

Please do your part to help us.

Our goal is to publish a new directory to the congregation at the beginning of next year. 

Step 1: Gain access to your member portal

(Invitations will be sent out Saturday October 23)
If you have already done this scroll down to step two.
If you didn't receive an invitation in your email, contact Katie at the office.

Step 2: Update your information

If you're unsure how to update your information in your member portal, use the slides above for directions.

Please add a family photo so we can put your face with your name

If you do not have a family photo:
We would be happy to take one for you. Please click the link below to sign up for a time to have your family's picture taken.