Office 970-454-3411

Steve & Christine Bauer

  • For Steve’s upcoming trip to evangelize at the Super Bowl, Lord willing
  • For their ministry in Fort Collins. They need more volunteers!
  • For their new baby, and for their family’s protection from spiritual attack


Preaching the Gospel and equipping others to do the same, in Colorado, the US and wherever called...
At Watersource Ministries, our mission is three-fold:
Preach. Teach. Connect.

First, we go into the people of this lost world and preach the Gospel to every creature. This means that, as we are commanded by Jesus Himself, we are witnessing and preaching to lost souls, with the help of the Holy Spirit. Using Gospel tracts, video cameras, food, open air preaching and anything else that we think can draw people out, we witness to a lost and dying world.

Second, is to teach others to be effective witnesses for Christ. Using our experience, training, motivation and collected audio/video data, we teach others to be effective Christian witnesses, as they seek to save that which is lost…(Matt 18:11)

Since 2006, we have been using our website as a hub for witnessing activity in Colorado. By linking like-minded ministries, we are able to assist others with the charge of the “Great Commission.” If you have plans to go out witnessing in your town, let us know and we will post with our evangelists for you. Further, if you would like to host a Way of the Master class, or the Spiritual Fire Academy, contact us and we will put you in touch with people in your area who will put the class on for your church, Sunday School, or Bible study. Please feel free to contact us for opportunities to go out with our street evangelists and learn how to start and carry conversations with the lost.