Office 970-454-3411

Welcome to the EFC mobile bulletin

Need to contact us?

Current Office Hours:
Mon. - Wed. 8:30am - 3pm
Thu. 8:30 am - 12pm

Closed for lunch from 12-1:30 pm

Last update 2/20/2025

Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting is
THIS Sunday,
February 23rd.

Please plan to join us for lunch and a time of fellowship following the meeting.

Board pictures will be taken in the Fireside Room following the annual meeting, even if all members are not able to be present. 

Missions Practice

JR and SR High Missions practice will begin
Sunday, March 2nd
1-3pm in the Upper Room

Baby Shower

Ladies you're invited to join us!
Baby shower
for Kaycee Walters
Sunday, March 9 at 2pm
in the Fireside Room

It’s not too late to join!!!

We meet Tuesday evenings from 7-8:30 pm.

At this time, our DivorceCare class is a Men's-Only class

Location: EFC Room 212
(2nd floor—BIC classroom)

Contact Gary Tibbetts for more information - 970-396-0813

Men’s 2nd Saturday Breakfast

Our next meeting is coming up March 8th
Men - join us at 6:30 am in the Legacy Room. Breakfast is provided!

Our current messages are the most important messages you have heard from me regarding what it means to be a man!
You need to be there. We need you there. Your Family needs you there. The Lord wants you there.

Each message is given as a “stand alone” message. So even if you have not previously been able to attend, please come!

Bring your sons 13 years of age and older and the Guys in your life!
(No younger boys please.)

All for Jesus, PC

Right Now Media

Did you know you have access to a free Right Now Media account through EFC?

Did you know?

The Youth group is reading through the Bible - 1 chapter per day. Each day a short message is sent out by Pastor Jason regarding the chapter for that day.

Would you like to join us?