Good Morning Fact Checkers! Dig into Acts 17.
Have you ever played 2 truths and a lie? How do you determine which is the lie?
Now, stop and considered your current process for determining what’s true. Any truth. Is there absolute truth anymore? The answer to that question is very simple. What is 1+1? Always? We live in a world that is currently trying to say no - there is no longer absolute truth…. But this is something you yourself can research and conclude.
How do you know something is true? Do you simply believe because it’s the popular belief? Do you believe what your friends believe, your family believes, or someone you respect told you? Do you believe because the one who told you is in a position of authority; a Teacher, a Pastor, the Government, or because they have more than 10,000 followers on Social Media? Why do you believe the things you believe?
God gave you a brain to reason and research. We live in an age when you literally have libraries of information at your fingertips - no excuses! Acts 17 offers a very valuable lesson in this regard. “Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.” Acts 17:11 NIV
The Berean’s received Paul’s teaching with eagerness, but then went home and studied The Scriptures themselves to see if what he was teaching was true. Why? Because they realized Paul was just a man. As humans we are all capable of being deceived, and we have an evil adversary that is bent on doing just that. This is a principle that is easily and should be logically applied to every area of life especially Bible teaching. Don’t take my word for it - or your Pastors!
It’s your responsibility to make sure what you believe, and allow to shape your life and determine your steps is true - especially if you plan to repeat it or share it with others! When we stand before God someday… “It’s just what I was taught won’t be an acceptable answer.”
Dig in! Know why you believe what you believe - in every area! Love you all!
Have you ever played 2 truths and a lie? How do you determine which is the lie?
Now, stop and considered your current process for determining what’s true. Any truth. Is there absolute truth anymore? The answer to that question is very simple. What is 1+1? Always? We live in a world that is currently trying to say no - there is no longer absolute truth…. But this is something you yourself can research and conclude.
How do you know something is true? Do you simply believe because it’s the popular belief? Do you believe what your friends believe, your family believes, or someone you respect told you? Do you believe because the one who told you is in a position of authority; a Teacher, a Pastor, the Government, or because they have more than 10,000 followers on Social Media? Why do you believe the things you believe?
God gave you a brain to reason and research. We live in an age when you literally have libraries of information at your fingertips - no excuses! Acts 17 offers a very valuable lesson in this regard. “Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.” Acts 17:11 NIV
The Berean’s received Paul’s teaching with eagerness, but then went home and studied The Scriptures themselves to see if what he was teaching was true. Why? Because they realized Paul was just a man. As humans we are all capable of being deceived, and we have an evil adversary that is bent on doing just that. This is a principle that is easily and should be logically applied to every area of life especially Bible teaching. Don’t take my word for it - or your Pastors!
It’s your responsibility to make sure what you believe, and allow to shape your life and determine your steps is true - especially if you plan to repeat it or share it with others! When we stand before God someday… “It’s just what I was taught won’t be an acceptable answer.”
Dig in! Know why you believe what you believe - in every area! Love you all!