Office 970-454-3411
Good Morning Gospel Beneficiaries.  Dig into Acts 15 today.  

Sometimes the old ways are best.  Sometimes, depending on the purpose for the “old ways” they are not!  

The Law, and Sacrificial system given to Israel (the Jewish nation) had a couple purposes.

- Define sin:  These are the rules

- Incite sin:  Any time we’re told not to do something, inherently we want to.  Don’t think about elephants… what are you thinking about right now?  Rules / Laws don’t keep people from breaking them - heart transformation does.  Stirring up sin was required to recognize we need a Savior.  

- Bring the Jews to a place that they knew without a doubt that they could NEVER keep the law and the sacrificial system.  They needed a Sacrifice that took care of sin once and for all.

Check it out; in Acts 15 some people still committed to the “old way” came down preaching their old customs and beliefs to the new Gentile Believers - stirring them up.  We see some of that even today.  

Let’s be clear… Anything other than the Gospel of Grace - is a false Gospel at this point.  True Belief in Jesus and only Jesus, His blood shed on the cross for our sins plus nothing is what is required for Salvation.  Our good works can’t save us, but they do demonstrate we are saved.

If you find yourself still doubting here are a few verses to clarify:
John 14:6, Acts 4:12, Ephesians 1:7, 2:8-9, Romans 5:6-8, 15-17, Colossians 1:13-14, 1 Timothy 1:15-16, Titus 3:4-7  

Honestly I could go on and on with more verses.  In fact you would have to toss out most of the New Testament and much of Old Testament prophecy about Jesus to get to Salvation based on works and doing.  You CANNOT ever do enough to earn Salvation.  That’s the point.

It’s ALL Jesus.  Only Jesus!  Dig in!