Office 970-454-3411
Good Morning Cross Cultural Ministers of the Gospel.  Today we’re in Acts 11 - join us.

They’re getting after it.  The Disciples continue to share the Good News of Jesus.  Those they share with are sharing, and in turn they are sharing also!  It’s multiplication.  For example say 1 shared with just 10.  Then that 10 shares with 10 each, so - 100.  That 100 goes out and shares with 10 each… so 1000.  Are you beginning to get a sense of what’s possible?

Jews and Gentiles are giving their lives to Jesus - becoming followers of Christ.  This is still a new thing.  Jews ministering to Gentiles was weird, but it’s happening.  The Church in Antioch is born, and Barnabas and Saul get involved.  

Jump in and check it out!  Soak up the excitement as The Word is spread and the Church of Jesus Christ explodes!  Good News is contagious and the Grace of God  - Salvation through Jesus is the Greatest News ever!

Love you all!  Dig in!