July 14th, 2024
Good Morning “Observers of Prophecy.” Today we are in 2 Samuel 23.
Here we find David’s last Oracle to Israel. Our text says David’s last words. However David’s last last words were given in instruction to his son Solomon in 1 Kings 2 prior to his last breath recorded in 1 Kings 2:10. So is there a conflict problem here? Perhaps it appears that way if we only consider our English translations.
There is a reason I used the word Oracle to describe verses 1-7 here. The ESV says “Oracle”. In the original Hebrew, the text actually reads that this is “an oracle from David”. That word “oracle” in Hebrew is ne’um which means a prophetic declaration. Typically, in scripture, this word, ne’um, is followed by Yahweh. That is to say, this is the “declaration of Yahweh” or the utterance of the Lord.
David himself declares that very thing. In this text he is acting as a prophet. He makes that clear when he says… “The Spirit of the Lord speaks by me; his word is on my tongue.” 2 Samuel 23:2 ESV
So why is David about to speak prophecy about himself and his kingdom when he’s about to die? He’s not. He’s speaking of an Eternal Ruler and an Eternal Kingdom. Remember… The Bible from Genesis to Revelation is the story of Jesus and mans offered redemption through His blood on The Cross.
Here God is using His Anointed King, who by his platform has the ear of the Israel, to give a message of both hope and warning. Talk about cool! So what is the message for Israel and for us?
“If my house were not right with God, surely he would not have made with me an everlasting covenant, arranged and secured in every part; surely he would not bring to fruition my salvation and grant me my every desire. But evil men are all to be cast aside like thorns, which are not gathered with the hand. Whoever touches thorns uses a tool of iron or the shaft of a spear; they are burned up where they lie.”
2 Samuel 23:5-7 NIV
Through Jesus we are offered redemption, and everlasting covenant secured with the blood of Christ. Apart from Jesus, there is NO Hope.
He paid for all sin on The Cross. It all boils down to one question… have you received that payment? If you have - share that Truth. He has given you a platform, too; and because of that, ears are open for what He wants to say through you!
Love you all! Dig in!
Good Morning “Observers of Prophecy.” Today we are in 2 Samuel 23.
Here we find David’s last Oracle to Israel. Our text says David’s last words. However David’s last last words were given in instruction to his son Solomon in 1 Kings 2 prior to his last breath recorded in 1 Kings 2:10. So is there a conflict problem here? Perhaps it appears that way if we only consider our English translations.
There is a reason I used the word Oracle to describe verses 1-7 here. The ESV says “Oracle”. In the original Hebrew, the text actually reads that this is “an oracle from David”. That word “oracle” in Hebrew is ne’um which means a prophetic declaration. Typically, in scripture, this word, ne’um, is followed by Yahweh. That is to say, this is the “declaration of Yahweh” or the utterance of the Lord.
David himself declares that very thing. In this text he is acting as a prophet. He makes that clear when he says… “The Spirit of the Lord speaks by me; his word is on my tongue.” 2 Samuel 23:2 ESV
So why is David about to speak prophecy about himself and his kingdom when he’s about to die? He’s not. He’s speaking of an Eternal Ruler and an Eternal Kingdom. Remember… The Bible from Genesis to Revelation is the story of Jesus and mans offered redemption through His blood on The Cross.
Here God is using His Anointed King, who by his platform has the ear of the Israel, to give a message of both hope and warning. Talk about cool! So what is the message for Israel and for us?
“If my house were not right with God, surely he would not have made with me an everlasting covenant, arranged and secured in every part; surely he would not bring to fruition my salvation and grant me my every desire. But evil men are all to be cast aside like thorns, which are not gathered with the hand. Whoever touches thorns uses a tool of iron or the shaft of a spear; they are burned up where they lie.”
2 Samuel 23:5-7 NIV
Through Jesus we are offered redemption, and everlasting covenant secured with the blood of Christ. Apart from Jesus, there is NO Hope.
He paid for all sin on The Cross. It all boils down to one question… have you received that payment? If you have - share that Truth. He has given you a platform, too; and because of that, ears are open for what He wants to say through you!
Love you all! Dig in!