July 9th, 2024
Good Morning “Recognizers of an unpopular reality.” Today we are in 2 Samuel 18.
This chapter is full of parallels. David and Absalom parallel Jesus and His enemies. Also, our new Life in Christ vs our flesh.
The Cushite and Ahimaaz parallel someone who is “all in” compared to someone who wants to keep one foot in the world.
We live in a world of idealistic universal coexistence. What am I getting at? “Can’t we ALL just get along?” “Live and let live I say.” “Coexist” - with no definers. Do these phrases seem familiar? Maybe even right - or good? Someone should make a bumper sticker.
We know, at least in our head, that our enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8). But the wonder if that Truth has completely pierced our heart?
While we are busy looking for his horns and pitch fork as a means of recognizing him, the devil serves up a buffet of evil - cloaked in tolerance, acceptance, and even celebration. We take the bait. If we were fish we’d long ago be photographed on the stringer next to the fisherman.
Consider Matthew 6:13 and Jesus words - in The Lords Prayer. “And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” NASB. Many argue Jesus is saying deliver us from the “devil” but the original word (ponéros) that comes into our language as evil - is an adjective not a noun. It means: evil, bad, wicked, malicious, slothful.
Stop and think. How is He to deliver us from evil… without its destruction? “Your kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.”Matthew 6:10 NASB1995. Do we recognize what we’re praying for? We know in the end, that’s exactly what happens. Until then, how can we live righteously while simultaneously embracing evil / sin? Do we recognize that delivering from evil requires its destruction?
David desired the Lords mercy and deliverance, yet commanded his men to spare the his son Absalom - the very object that made deliverance necessary. The lesson for us here is a tough one.
As we purpose to live righteous lives that glorify our Father in heaven we must remember that walking hand in hand with evil doesn’t accomplish that. Consider Jesus Words in Luke 12:49-53 and ask yourselves why they are divided? We are in a battle, a war, where good and evil don’t mix. We are to be the light, the difference, the restraint or salt that preserves. (Matthew 5:13-16)
For further study check out: James 4:4, Matthew 18:7, 2 Corinthians 6:14, John 17:14-19, Romans 10:14. Know The Word, live It, reflect It, preach It, stand for It.
Love you all! Dig in!
Good Morning “Recognizers of an unpopular reality.” Today we are in 2 Samuel 18.
This chapter is full of parallels. David and Absalom parallel Jesus and His enemies. Also, our new Life in Christ vs our flesh.
The Cushite and Ahimaaz parallel someone who is “all in” compared to someone who wants to keep one foot in the world.
We live in a world of idealistic universal coexistence. What am I getting at? “Can’t we ALL just get along?” “Live and let live I say.” “Coexist” - with no definers. Do these phrases seem familiar? Maybe even right - or good? Someone should make a bumper sticker.
We know, at least in our head, that our enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8). But the wonder if that Truth has completely pierced our heart?
While we are busy looking for his horns and pitch fork as a means of recognizing him, the devil serves up a buffet of evil - cloaked in tolerance, acceptance, and even celebration. We take the bait. If we were fish we’d long ago be photographed on the stringer next to the fisherman.
Consider Matthew 6:13 and Jesus words - in The Lords Prayer. “And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” NASB. Many argue Jesus is saying deliver us from the “devil” but the original word (ponéros) that comes into our language as evil - is an adjective not a noun. It means: evil, bad, wicked, malicious, slothful.
Stop and think. How is He to deliver us from evil… without its destruction? “Your kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.”Matthew 6:10 NASB1995. Do we recognize what we’re praying for? We know in the end, that’s exactly what happens. Until then, how can we live righteously while simultaneously embracing evil / sin? Do we recognize that delivering from evil requires its destruction?
David desired the Lords mercy and deliverance, yet commanded his men to spare the his son Absalom - the very object that made deliverance necessary. The lesson for us here is a tough one.
As we purpose to live righteous lives that glorify our Father in heaven we must remember that walking hand in hand with evil doesn’t accomplish that. Consider Jesus Words in Luke 12:49-53 and ask yourselves why they are divided? We are in a battle, a war, where good and evil don’t mix. We are to be the light, the difference, the restraint or salt that preserves. (Matthew 5:13-16)
For further study check out: James 4:4, Matthew 18:7, 2 Corinthians 6:14, John 17:14-19, Romans 10:14. Know The Word, live It, reflect It, preach It, stand for It.
Love you all! Dig in!