July 3rd, 2024
Good Morning “Those who are broken.” Today we are in 2 Samuel 12.
Yesterday we read about sins process in David. He saw, he entertained, he sinned. Sin purposes to give birth to more sin - it’s one of the consequences of sin. More sin! Sinking to a deeper depth is the result unless we stop it at a thought. David went from taking Bathsheba to premeditated murder. Pretty deep.
After sin comes judgment and or discipline. The Father who loves His children disciplines them (Proverbs 3:12). Therefore chapter 12 is not a surprise. As we read 12 our inclination may be to think the consequences David faced were HUGE. Truly they were. God loves us enough to turn us away from our sin if we won’t indeed turn and repent apart from discipline. Allowing us to continue unrepentant in our sin shows NO love at all - as sin leads to death. How often do we think of discipline as Gods mercy and grace? Do we think of holding one another accountable as grace?
In His Mercy and Grace He changes our course. Did it work for David? Consider David’s response - on his face, pleading for his child’s life. Consider the further detail recorded in Psalm 51. David’s response gives us more indication as to why God called him “A man after His own heart”, (1 Samuel 13:14, Acts 13:22). David may have sinned big in our eyes, but when David repented He repented big.
Love you all! Dig in!
Good Morning “Those who are broken.” Today we are in 2 Samuel 12.
Yesterday we read about sins process in David. He saw, he entertained, he sinned. Sin purposes to give birth to more sin - it’s one of the consequences of sin. More sin! Sinking to a deeper depth is the result unless we stop it at a thought. David went from taking Bathsheba to premeditated murder. Pretty deep.
After sin comes judgment and or discipline. The Father who loves His children disciplines them (Proverbs 3:12). Therefore chapter 12 is not a surprise. As we read 12 our inclination may be to think the consequences David faced were HUGE. Truly they were. God loves us enough to turn us away from our sin if we won’t indeed turn and repent apart from discipline. Allowing us to continue unrepentant in our sin shows NO love at all - as sin leads to death. How often do we think of discipline as Gods mercy and grace? Do we think of holding one another accountable as grace?
In His Mercy and Grace He changes our course. Did it work for David? Consider David’s response - on his face, pleading for his child’s life. Consider the further detail recorded in Psalm 51. David’s response gives us more indication as to why God called him “A man after His own heart”, (1 Samuel 13:14, Acts 13:22). David may have sinned big in our eyes, but when David repented He repented big.
Love you all! Dig in!