June 22nd, 2024
Good Morning “Fully Devoted and Obedient”. Today we are in 2 Samuel 1.
After conquering the Amalekites and retrieving all that was taken, David returns to Ziklag. On the third day, a man from “Saul’s Camp” arrives before David. After falling at David’s feet, giving him proper honor he informs David of Saul’s death, and goes on to explain that he killed Saul, in mercy - at Saul’s request.
At first glance this might seem merciful, even noble… but wait. The Law required a life for life for murder - with no provision for “mercy killing”. God is just! He knows the depravity of man’s heart and the lengths he will go in selfishness. Consider the same controversial subject today. Euthanasia of the elderly, assisted suicide, even abortion all linked to this very idea. Life for life is the requirement for murder - period. Let’s not also forget that Saul was Gods anointed. David learned that tough lesson back in 1 Samuel 24.
David’s requirement based on the man’s confession is clear, but notice mourning comes before justice. David and his men mourn Saul, Jonathan, and all the loss of Israel.
Then… Justice.
Was the young mans story true? For the sake of order consider the Biblical account of Saul’s death found in 1 Samuel 31:2-6. Its clear. Even logically Saul’s Armor Bearer would not have stood by as this young man killed the king, he would have taken his own life if Saul wasn’t dead. Furthermore if the Philistine army was approaching and so close that Saul asked for a swift death… how did this young man escape? Saul committed suicide, when his armor bearer “saw that Saul was dead he too fell on his sword and died with him.”
More likely the young man stumbled upon Saul first on the scene and sought to earn the new kings favor, and receive a reward for his mercy in the process. He likely reasoned that given Saul’s relentless pursuit of David, the new king would rejoice. So he gathers proof, the kings crown and band, and makes a 4 day journey in 3 to ensure he’s the first to bring the news. David is changed - slight costly miscalculation for the young man.
David issues a Lament, that Israel might further mourn and honor their fallen king in a focused way.
How do we respond? What do we learn from David? No partial obedience? Not just kind of devoted? No way! We’re all in!
Love you all! Dig in!
Good Morning “Fully Devoted and Obedient”. Today we are in 2 Samuel 1.
After conquering the Amalekites and retrieving all that was taken, David returns to Ziklag. On the third day, a man from “Saul’s Camp” arrives before David. After falling at David’s feet, giving him proper honor he informs David of Saul’s death, and goes on to explain that he killed Saul, in mercy - at Saul’s request.
At first glance this might seem merciful, even noble… but wait. The Law required a life for life for murder - with no provision for “mercy killing”. God is just! He knows the depravity of man’s heart and the lengths he will go in selfishness. Consider the same controversial subject today. Euthanasia of the elderly, assisted suicide, even abortion all linked to this very idea. Life for life is the requirement for murder - period. Let’s not also forget that Saul was Gods anointed. David learned that tough lesson back in 1 Samuel 24.
David’s requirement based on the man’s confession is clear, but notice mourning comes before justice. David and his men mourn Saul, Jonathan, and all the loss of Israel.
Then… Justice.
Was the young mans story true? For the sake of order consider the Biblical account of Saul’s death found in 1 Samuel 31:2-6. Its clear. Even logically Saul’s Armor Bearer would not have stood by as this young man killed the king, he would have taken his own life if Saul wasn’t dead. Furthermore if the Philistine army was approaching and so close that Saul asked for a swift death… how did this young man escape? Saul committed suicide, when his armor bearer “saw that Saul was dead he too fell on his sword and died with him.”
More likely the young man stumbled upon Saul first on the scene and sought to earn the new kings favor, and receive a reward for his mercy in the process. He likely reasoned that given Saul’s relentless pursuit of David, the new king would rejoice. So he gathers proof, the kings crown and band, and makes a 4 day journey in 3 to ensure he’s the first to bring the news. David is changed - slight costly miscalculation for the young man.
David issues a Lament, that Israel might further mourn and honor their fallen king in a focused way.
How do we respond? What do we learn from David? No partial obedience? Not just kind of devoted? No way! We’re all in!
Love you all! Dig in!