August 9th, 2024
Good Morning “Those Who Turn to God.” Today we are in 2 Kings 3.
With Ahab dead Jehoram becomes king. He too was evil, though not like his father and mother. With the new king in place the king of Moab quits paying his taxes. Jehoram rallies Jehoshaphat King of Judah and the King of Edom to bring Moab into submission. Israel, Judah and Edom all rallied against Moab.
They’re quite confident until their seven day journey nets them no water. So… what are they to do? Let’s go talk to Elisha, the Prophet of The Lord and see what he says. Even evil people know where to turn when faced with life and death. Our God, His Law is written on our hearts (Romans 2:14-16). We all, in our pride, or maybe arrogance, have a tendency toward going our own way - doing it ourselves. None of the other Gods Jehoram served had anything for them and they knew it! God has long proven that.
What kind of shape might they be in if they had turned to God to begin with? God shows them once more, just who He is by providing water for them - without rain. Miracle, miracle, miracle. How many must we see to be fully devoted to Him? Seek Him first in all things!
Love you all! Dig in!
Good Morning “Those Who Turn to God.” Today we are in 2 Kings 3.
With Ahab dead Jehoram becomes king. He too was evil, though not like his father and mother. With the new king in place the king of Moab quits paying his taxes. Jehoram rallies Jehoshaphat King of Judah and the King of Edom to bring Moab into submission. Israel, Judah and Edom all rallied against Moab.
They’re quite confident until their seven day journey nets them no water. So… what are they to do? Let’s go talk to Elisha, the Prophet of The Lord and see what he says. Even evil people know where to turn when faced with life and death. Our God, His Law is written on our hearts (Romans 2:14-16). We all, in our pride, or maybe arrogance, have a tendency toward going our own way - doing it ourselves. None of the other Gods Jehoram served had anything for them and they knew it! God has long proven that.
What kind of shape might they be in if they had turned to God to begin with? God shows them once more, just who He is by providing water for them - without rain. Miracle, miracle, miracle. How many must we see to be fully devoted to Him? Seek Him first in all things!
Love you all! Dig in!