Office 970-454-3411
Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Good Morning “Careful What You Pray For.”  Today we are in 2 Kings 21. Yesterday we scratched our heads as we wondered how all of the pieces fit together.  We know God is unchangeable, He DOES NOT change His mind (1 Samuel 15:29, Numbers 23:19). Yet we see times in Scripture where it seems that way.  We know there is nothing we can do to add a single minute to our days, (Luke 12:25-26) yet we see examples where prayer seems to yield just that.  The application from yesterday was to hold fast to what Scripture ACTUALLY says, and resist trying to put all the pieces together to reconcile how our unfathomable God works.  His ways are NOT our ways.  He is not bound by the laws of physics as we are.   Today as we read chapter 21 we see the depth of at least part of the consequence of Hezekiah’s answered prayer.  God gave him what he asked for.  Healing and extended life.  15 more years.  During that time he gave birth to Manasseh who will eventually succeed him as king.  Hezekiah was the most righteous of kings - since David.  There was none like him before or after (2 Kings 18:5).  In contrast, his son Manasseh - one of the MOST evil.  He rebuilt all of the evil Hezekiah tore down, sacrificed his children, and reinstated all of the Pagan worship.  He even brought his new Asherah pole INTO the Temple.   Hezekiah’s prayer was answered.  Were his extra years worth it?  When the people cried out for a king so they could be like everyone else - God answered and gave them Saul.  It wasn’t everything they hoped and dreamed it would be.   God has clearly instructed us to pray in accordance with His Will (John 14:13, 1 John 4:14-15).  We CAN know His Will when: We are dialed in with Him, KNOW His Word and are in tune with The Holy Spirit because we are saying no to our flesh (Proverbs 3:5-6, Roman’s 12:1-2).  We MUST know His Word.  Apart from it there’s nothing that defines whether our desires are of our flesh or of His Will.  Know His Word!  Live by it!  Be careful what you ask for.  When we cry out for what our flesh desires, He may give us what we want and in THAT learn a hard lesson.   Love you all!  Dig in!