Office 970-454-3411
August 8th, 2024

Good Morning “Believers in Miracles.”  Today we are in 2 Kings 2.  

Elijah is about to be taken up to Heaven - in a chariot of fire… Wait, He doesn’t die… Nope!  How can that be?  GOD, that’s how!  Yes ACTUALLY!  

Understand God uses Miracles to accomplish His purpose.  The nation of Israel was in a bad way and needed reminded that God was STILL on the throne.  Even Elisha recognizes this when he asks Elijah for a double portion of his Spirit.  What he’s actually asking for is similar to a birthright portion.  Double… but double of what?  Double of the Anointing of The Holy Spirit to carry out his duties as Prophet of God.  He’s not asking so that he himself might be glorified, but much like Solomon asked for wisdom to govern the people well - he knows he’s got big shoes to fill and the nation of Israel needs God.

This chapter concludes with demonstration that Elisha’s request was granted.  Let the miracles begin.  Crossing back over on dry ground… boom!  Healing the water, making it ok to drink again… bam!  It’s all God!  Lastly… let you students take note, making fun of your Youth Pastors bald head is all fun and games until the bears come for you.  Ha ha, if you’re not sure what I’m taking about, dig in and read it.  

Bottom line… recognize Him, and where and when He’s at work!  Turn, fall on your face, worship and make yourself available.  He loves you and loves wants you close!  

Love you all!  Dig in!