Office 970-454-3411
Good Morning “Cravers of Something Different.”  Today we are in 1 Samuel 8.  

Israel wanted a king, then they would be like all the other nations.  The problem is God called Israel to be Holy set apart, different from all the other nations. We too are called to be different.  Are we?  

We have been called to serve Jesus, Holy set apart (Romans 12:1).  Holiness demands that we be different than the rest of the world.  In fact the charge is to be light in the midst of darkness.  We’ve seen some great examples of just that as we’ve read together recently: Boaz, Ruth, and Samuel.  While the rest were spiraling out of control, these remained faithful.  They stood out.  They were light in the darkness.

What’s the draw to be like everyone else.  Have you ever stopped to consider that… really?  We all, at least secretly, enjoy some attention.  Different draws attention.  Oh… but not the kind of attention we like.  Generally speaking we don’t want others to see us as party poopers - fun ruiners, holier than.  Sin seeks mayhem, disorder, debauchery… Holiness seeks to bring it all back into control - accountability.  No one likes the strict teacher, or even the referee in the big game.  Stop and think about it though… without them being set apart, nothing profitable happens.  

We live in a world that is out of control.  God has called us, through the blood of Jesus to be different.  To be salt - a preservative of all that is Holy.  He’s called us to be light that spreads and shines in the midst of the darkness (Matthew 5:13-16). One of the crowd may get you liked… but different will get you respect, admiration, and someday a “Well done” from your creator!  We are inspired on to better things by those we respect and admire… not so much by those we simply like.  We are to spur one another on toward love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24). That requires living differently.  I would go so far as to say it is IMPOSSIBLE to be one of the crowd, and be obedient.  Remember the Holiness means set apart.  By definition… different.

Seek it!  Crave it!  Love you all!  Dig in!