Office 970-454-3411
Good Morning “Real Relationship with Jesus Builders.”  Today we are in 1 Samuel 6.

The Philistines got to see God, His power, and His capability.  Likewise He has revealed Himself to the world, universally, through creation, so man is without excuse (Romans 1:18-20).  If He is clearly revealed and clearly seen why is He not universally accepted?

The flesh is a powerful thing!  It wages war against the Spirit (Galatians 5:17).  The Philistines were willing to acknowledge God as one of many gods, but not willing to worship Him solely.  Many in our world will acknowledge God, and Jesus’ existence, and even lump Him in with other forms of worship or religions - but are unwilling to give up that which feeds the flesh.  They insist on keeping “their beliefs” and practices.  “They” purpose to count all beliefs and religions equal as a means of justifying their lack of conviction.  But are they?  How can they be equal if one is indeed factual and the others are not?  A belief in something does not make that something real.  On the contrary real should be the basis of belief.  

Even the Israelites had reduced God to religious practices, a bunch of religious ordinances.  They were missing the point.  Apparently 70, even had to get a closer inside look at the contents of the Ark.  They were not content to simply believe all that they had heard and been taught!  They had to see  the proof. Well… they got their proof.  

The One True God has shown Himself to us universally.  We can see Him everywhere!  We see Him working through sinful man daily, and cannot deny His presence in our own lives - at least not without some serious denying and arguing.  I often find myself in conversations with those that doubt or want to argue some other possible explanation for creation, and the good we do see in our world.  Creation from nothing?  Good from evil man?  Doesn’t add up.  I’m sorry, I just can’t… I simply don’t have enough faith to believe those things.  Neither does science, or physics by the way.  I don’t have the energy it takes to continually deny what is right in front of our face.  Why would you, when the stakes are so high?  No, I choose to worship Jesus Christ - The Proven One.  The One we all can experience from the inside out.  He is ALL we need!  ALL means ALL and that’s ALL ALL means.

If you’re fighting, quit!  Trade the lies for The Truth (John 14:6)!  Love you all!  Dig in!