Good Morning “Pure in Heart.” Today we are in 1 Samuel 16.
In addition to being a Pastor, we also have a family owned construction company. We’ve had other businesses, and I’ve served in other managerial roles in the past. I’ve come to believe and have often found myself making this statement…
“Everyone’s good in the interview!” What does that mean? Typically people are smart! It means if they know what you’re looking for, they know what to say - all the right things to get hired! Only after they’re hired do you begin to see their REAL character. This reigns true for couple relationships in their early stages as well. Today’s chapter has always astounded me! If only we could see past the outer looks and performance, and see the heart of a person.
God has rejected Saul, and brought an evil spirit to torment him. He’ll still be king for about 15 more years. During that 15 years God will use Saul to strengthen, and prepare David to take his place.
In today’s chapter we get to see how God sovereignly orchestrates the whole thing. First He sends Samuel to go anoint the next king (David) but Samuel doesn’t know that yet. All he knows is the man will be one of Jesse’s sons. In keeping with tradition, he assumes it will be the oldest. We’ve already seen that God doesn’t stick with this cultural norm. Issac was not the oldest son of Abraham, nor was Jacob the oldest son of Isaac. In fact Gods in the business of using the most unlikely - for His glory.
”… The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”“
1 Samuel 16:7 NIV
God has already chosen David! Next to Jesus, David is about to become a central part of the WHOLE story! Saul was the people’s choice. God knew Saul’s heart, but in their rebellion gave them what they wanted. It cost em. Now it’s Gods turn! David wasn’t Gods choice because he was perfect. In fact, we’ll soon see he’s far from it. But, there’s a reason God calls David a man after His own heart. Davids heart is committed to The Lord - he mourns over his own sin like God mourns. Read Psalm 51 to see how he responds after his sin with Bathsheba.
How’s your heart? Where would you fit? Would you be the people’s choice? Or… do you have a humble, pure heart committed to The Lord? Are you a man or woman after Gods own heart?
Love you all! Dig in!
In addition to being a Pastor, we also have a family owned construction company. We’ve had other businesses, and I’ve served in other managerial roles in the past. I’ve come to believe and have often found myself making this statement…
“Everyone’s good in the interview!” What does that mean? Typically people are smart! It means if they know what you’re looking for, they know what to say - all the right things to get hired! Only after they’re hired do you begin to see their REAL character. This reigns true for couple relationships in their early stages as well. Today’s chapter has always astounded me! If only we could see past the outer looks and performance, and see the heart of a person.
God has rejected Saul, and brought an evil spirit to torment him. He’ll still be king for about 15 more years. During that 15 years God will use Saul to strengthen, and prepare David to take his place.
In today’s chapter we get to see how God sovereignly orchestrates the whole thing. First He sends Samuel to go anoint the next king (David) but Samuel doesn’t know that yet. All he knows is the man will be one of Jesse’s sons. In keeping with tradition, he assumes it will be the oldest. We’ve already seen that God doesn’t stick with this cultural norm. Issac was not the oldest son of Abraham, nor was Jacob the oldest son of Isaac. In fact Gods in the business of using the most unlikely - for His glory.
”… The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”“
1 Samuel 16:7 NIV
God has already chosen David! Next to Jesus, David is about to become a central part of the WHOLE story! Saul was the people’s choice. God knew Saul’s heart, but in their rebellion gave them what they wanted. It cost em. Now it’s Gods turn! David wasn’t Gods choice because he was perfect. In fact, we’ll soon see he’s far from it. But, there’s a reason God calls David a man after His own heart. Davids heart is committed to The Lord - he mourns over his own sin like God mourns. Read Psalm 51 to see how he responds after his sin with Bathsheba.
How’s your heart? Where would you fit? Would you be the people’s choice? Or… do you have a humble, pure heart committed to The Lord? Are you a man or woman after Gods own heart?
Love you all! Dig in!